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Kent Online Parish Clerks

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Farnborough parish church copyright Marathon - - p-3948569 and licensed for reuse under Creative Commons License cc-by-sa-2.0>
St. Giles Church, Farnborough

Farnborough Marriages 1801 - 1812

Transcribed by Transcribed by Henry Mantell.
Bromley Historic Collections reference P/144/1/6 and GSU film # 992462 Item 1.  The register is on printed form and water damaged;  a small number of banns (1801-1805) are entered on pages preceding the title page.

    Marriages by Grooms' surnames  marriages by Brides' surnames appear below this table
..........ALLENThomasBORERMartha5-Nov1809Banns - both of this parish she makes her mark Witnesses Richard BORER the mark of Martha BORER William RICHARDSON
2ATKINS or AITKENJamesLANECharlotte27-Mar1801Banns - both of this parish Witnesses Robert THOMSON John RUSSELL
..........BANFERRYThomasMERCERDiana4-Jan1807Banns - both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses Elizabeth MARVEN William RICHARDSON
..........BARNSNathanielWHITEHEADMartha25-May1806Banns - both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses Arnold WHITEHEAD Susan WHITEHEAD Thomas JONES
..........BEADLEDavidMITCHELLHarriet1-Aug1808Banns - both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses the mark of James CLARK William RICHARDSON
..........BIASEdward MoreSERGEANTJane15-Nov1802Banns - He Widower She Widow both of this parish Witnesses Thomas WOOD Thomas JONES
..........BIGNALSamuelCLEMENSElizabeth23-Oct1806Banns - Witnesses William BARNET Mary EDWARDS William RICHARDSON
..........BROOKSJohnBUDGENSarah15-Oct1806Banns - both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses James WHITEHEAD Thomsin WHITEHEAD William RICHARDSON
..........CACKETTGeorgeKNOWMaria21-Jul1804Banns - He Batchelor both of this parish Witnesses the mark of Ann DAVIES Thomas JONES Clerk
..........CAMPKINJohnTURNERSarah14-Jul1808Banns - both of this parish she makes her mark Witnesses the marks of Martha PENNYFEATHER Richard MANTLE
..........COWLARDSamuelROFFEDorcas4-Aug1806Banns - both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses Edmund LEE Hannah COWLARD Thomas JONES
..........DENNISWilliamMARTINAnn26-Oct1806Banns - Witnesses John MARTIN William RICHARDSON
..........FISENDENRichardBURLEIGHMary11-Jun1809Banns - He Bachelor She Spinster both of this parish Witnesses William WATERS and the mark of Mary WATERS
..........FRASERAdamCOLLINSRachel27-Jun1811Licence - he of Chatham she of this parish Witnesses F W TAYLOR T SIMPSON GILES
..........GREGORYJohnWATHINGSarah28-Oct1810Banns - He of this parish both make their marks Witnesses William GREGORY the mark of Elizabeth GREGORY
..........HARRISWilliamREDDIETMary24-Aug1812Banns - both of this parish she makes her mark Witness William RICHARDSON
..........HOOKThomasWILESMary (signs as Sarah)23-Aug1809Banns - He Batchelor She Spinster both make their marks Witness William RICHARDSON
4LOCKYERHenryBONDAnn14-Sep1802Banns - He Batchelor She Spinster both of this parish Witnesses the mark of Rachel WINTER Elizabeth WHIFFEN
..........MARCHJamesCUTBUSHKarenhappuch26-Aug1811Banns - both of this parish She makes her mark Witnesses the marks of Thomas SPICE and Elizabeth SPICE
..........MARVIN IsaacSTOBYJane15-Aug1808Banns - He Single man She Spinster both of this parish She makes her mark Witnesses Thomas GILES S GILES
..........MAYNARDWilliamVINESarah15-Oct1806Banns - both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses Charlotte VINE William RICHARDSON
..........MOORESamuelSWINDELLSarah26-Apr1812Banns - both of this parish she makes her mark Witnesses Thomas SWINDELL the mark of Ann SWINDELL
..........NEALJamesSELVEYAnn17-May1805Banns - He Batchelor both of this parish Witnesses John OCKENDEN Elizabeth SHEPHARD Elizabeth NEAL Thomas JONES
..........PACKMANEdwardPRATTMary7-Jan1807Banns - He Bachelor She Spinster both of this parish Witnesses Ann MONK William RICHARDSON
..........PAYNEWilliamCRANDLESusanna1-Oct1811Banns - both of this parish Witnesses the mark of James PAYNE Elizabeth PAYNE
..........PEARLESSDavidEDWARDSElizabeth21-Jan1810Banns - both of this parish she makes her mark Witnesses Thomas STEVENS Mary EDWARDS William RICHARDSON
..........PENNYFATHERJohnMUMFORDMartha3-Nov1806Banns - both of this parish she makes her mark Witnesses George MANTILL the mark of Elizabeth MUMFORD
..........PRATTJohnBERENSMaria Ann24-Apr1804Licence - He Bachelor She spinster of Saint Mary Cray Witnesses Richard BERENS Jos BERENS Thomas JONES Clerk
..........RICHARDSONWilliamVINEMary11-May1803Banns - He Batchelor both of this parish Witnesses Ann RICHARDSON Edward NEWMAN Thomas JONES Clerk
3ROBERTSNathanielPRICEElizabeth12-Jul1801Banns - He Bachelor She Widow both of this parish Witnesses James LUCAST the mark of Susannah LUCAST
..........ROLESJamesEDGINGTONMary11-Feb1806Banns - He Batchelor She Spinster both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses the marks of George CARPENTER and Elizabeth CLEMENTS Thomas JONES
1ROUNDThomasCOLYERFrancis2-Mar1801Banns - He Widower She Widow both of this parish Witnesses James TAYLOR Thomas JONES Elizabeth SHEPHERD
..........SAXBYJamesTOTHSarah6-Jul1807Banns - He Widower She Widow both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses the mark of Robert Norman Mace PEACH Charles RICHARDSON
..........SKINNERThomasBALDWINCharlotte13-Mar1803Banns - both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses the marks of Henry STAPLES Elizabeth BALDWIN Thomas JONES Clerk
..........SMITHThomasROLESMace29-Oct1811Banns - both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses the marks of James ROLES and Sarah EDGINTON
..........TOMSJohnPALMERRebecca8-Apr1810Banns - He Batchelor She Spinster both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses the mark of Isaac MARVEL William RICHARDSON
..........TROUGHTONJohnCHAMBERSEsther26-Dec1803Banns - Witnesses Edward LEE Newman Mary EDE Thomas JONES Clerk
..........WARNERJohnEDGEINGTON [sic]Jane16-Nov1808Banns - He Single man She Spinster both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses Sarah EDGEINTON William RICHARDSON
..........WHITEHEADBenjaminDURLINGAnn20-Dec1802Banns - He Bachelor She Spinster both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses William BURKIN the mark of Sarah GREEN Thomas JONES Clerk
..........WINFIELDThomasBLAKEElizabeth27-Mar1804Banns - Witnesses William CATTEL Hannah COLBORN
..........WINFIELDWilliamDAVISAnn22-Oct1804Banns - He Batchelor She Spinster both of this parish Witnesses the marks of Jane GRAHAM and Edward WRIGHT Thomas JONES Clerk
    Marriages by Brides' surnames  marriages by Grooms' surnames appear above this table
.......... SKINNER Thomas BALDWIN Charlotte 13-Mar 1803 Banns - both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses the marks of Henry STAPLES Elizabeth BALDWIN Thomas JONES Clerk
..........PRATTJohnBERENSMaria Ann24-Apr1804Licence - He Bachelor She spinster of Saint Mary Cray Witnesses Richard BERENS Jos BERENS Thomas JONES Clerk
..........WINFIELDThomasBLAKEElizabeth27-Mar1804Banns - Witnesses William CATTEL Hannah COLBORN
4LOCKYERHenryBONDAnn14-Sep1802Banns - He Batchelor She Spinster both of this parish Witnesses the mark of Rachel WINTER Elizabeth WHIFFEN
..........ALLENThomasBORERMartha5-Nov1809Banns - both of this parish she makes her mark Witnesses Richard BORER the mark of Martha BORER William RICHARDSON
..........BROOKSJohnBUDGENSarah15-Oct1806Banns - both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses James WHITEHEAD Thomsin WHITEHEAD William RICHARDSON
..........FISENDENRichardBURLEIGHMary11-Jun1809Banns - He Bachelor She Spinster both of this parish Witnesses William WATERS and the mark of Mary WATERS
..........TROUGHTONJohnCHAMBERSEsther26-Dec1803Banns - Witnesses Edward LEE Newman Mary EDE Thomas JONES Clerk
..........BIGNALSamuelCLEMENSElizabeth23-Oct1806Banns - Witnesses William BARNET Mary EDWARDS William RICHARDSON
..........FRASERAdamCOLLINSRachel27-Jun1811Licence - he of Chatham she of this parish Witnesses F W TAYLOR T SIMPSON GILES
1ROUNDThomasCOLYERFrancis2-Mar1801Banns - He Widower She Widow both of this parish Witnesses James TAYLOR Thomas JONES Elizabeth SHEPHERD
..........PAYNEWilliamCRANDLESusanna1-Oct1811Banns - both of this parish Witnesses the mark of James PAYNE Elizabeth PAYNE
..........MARCHJamesCUTBUSHKarenhappuch26-Aug1811Banns - both of this parish She makes her mark Witnesses the marks of Thomas SPICE and Elizabeth SPICE
..........WINFIELDWilliamDAVISAnn22-Oct1804Banns - He Batchelor She Spinster both of this parish Witnesses the marks of Jane GRAHAM and Edward WRIGHT Thomas JONES Clerk
..........WHITEHEADBenjaminDURLINGAnn20-Dec1802Banns - He Bachelor She Spinster both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses William BURKIN the mark of Sarah GREEN Thomas JONES Clerk
..........WARNERJohnEDGEINGTON [sic]Jane16-Nov1808Banns - He Single man She Spinster both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses Sarah EDGEINTON William RICHARDSON
..........ROLESJamesEDGINGTONMary11-Feb1806Banns - He Batchelor She Spinster both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses the marks of George CARPENTER and Elizabeth CLEMENTS Thomas JONES
..........PEARLESSDavidEDWARDSElizabeth21-Jan1810Banns - both of this parish she makes her mark Witnesses Thomas STEVENS Mary EDWARDS William RICHARDSON
..........CACKETTGeorgeKNOWMaria21-Jul1804Banns - He Batchelor both of this parish Witnesses the mark of Ann DAVIES Thomas JONES Clerk
2ATKINS or AITKENJamesLANECharlotte27-Mar1801Banns - both of this parish Witnesses Robert THOMSON John RUSSELL
..........DENNISWilliamMARTINAnn26-Oct1806Banns - Witnesses John MARTIN William RICHARDSON
..........BANFERRYThomasMERCERDiana4-Jan1807Banns - both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses Elizabeth MARVEN William RICHARDSON
..........BEADLEDavidMITCHELLHarriet1-Aug1808Banns - both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses the mark of James CLARK William RICHARDSON
..........PENNYFATHERJohnMUMFORDMartha3-Nov1806Banns - both of this parish she makes her mark Witnesses George MANTILL the mark of Elizabeth MUMFORD
..........TOMSJohnPALMERRebecca8-Apr1810Banns - He Batchelor She Spinster both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses the mark of Isaac MARVEL William RICHARDSON
..........PACKMANEdwardPRATTMary7-Jan1807Banns - He Bachelor She Spinster both of this parish Witnesses Ann MONK William RICHARDSON
3ROBERTSNathanielPRICEElizabeth12-Jul1801Banns - He Bachelor She Widow both of this parish Witnesses James LUCAST the mark of Susannah LUCAST
..........HARRISWilliamREDDIETMary24-Aug1812Banns - both of this parish she makes her mark Witness William RICHARDSON
..........COWLARDSamuelROFFEDorcas4-Aug1806Banns - both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses Edmund LEE Hannah COWLARD Thomas JONES
..........SMITHThomasROLESMace29-Oct1811Banns - both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses the marks of James ROLES and Sarah EDGINTON
..........NEALJamesSELVEYAnn17-May1805Banns - He Batchelor both of this parish Witnesses John OCKENDEN Elizabeth SHEPHARD Elizabeth NEAL Thomas JONES
..........BIASEdward MoreSERGEANTJane15-Nov1802Banns - He Widower She Widow both of this parish Witnesses Thomas WOOD Thomas JONES
..........MARVIN IsaacSTOBYJane15-Aug1808Banns - He Single man She Spinster both of this parish She makes her mark Witnesses Thomas GILES S GILES
..........MOORESamuelSWINDELLSarah26-Apr1812Banns - both of this parish she makes her mark Witnesses Thomas SWINDELL the mark of Ann SWINDELL
..........SAXBYJamesTOTHSarah6-Jul1807Banns - He Widower She Widow both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses the mark of Robert Norman Mace PEACH Charles RICHARDSON
..........CAMPKINJohnTURNERSarah14-Jul1808Banns - both of this parish she makes her mark Witnesses the marks of Martha PENNYFEATHER Richard MANTLE
..........RICHARDSONWilliamVINEMary11-May1803Banns - He Batchelor both of this parish Witnesses Ann RICHARDSON Edward NEWMAN Thomas JONES Clerk
..........MAYNARDWilliamVINESarah15-Oct1806Banns - both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses Charlotte VINE William RICHARDSON
..........GREGORYJohnWATHINGSarah28-Oct1810Banns - He of this parish both make their marks Witnesses William GREGORY the mark of Elizabeth GREGORY
..........BARNSNathanielWHITEHEADMartha25-May1806Banns - both of this parish both make their marks Witnesses Arnold WHITEHEAD Susan WHITEHEAD Thomas JONES
..........HOOKThomasWILESMary (signs as Sarah)23-Aug1809Banns - He Batchelor She Spinster both make their marks Witness William RICHARDSON