1608 - 1661 (53 years)
Name |
Anthony HAMMOND |
Suffix |
, Esq. |
Born |
1 Sep 1608 |
St. Albans Court, Nonnington, Kent, England [4] |
Gender |
Male |
Died |
24 Sep 1661 |
Wilburton, Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire, England |
Person ID |
I1535 |
Young Kent Ancestors |
Last Modified |
14 Jul 2013 |
Father |
Sir William HAMMOND, b. 1579, St. Albans Court, Nonnington, Kent, England , d. 19 Sep 1615, St. Albans Court, Nonnington, Kent, England (Age 36 years) |
Mother |
Elizabeth AUCHER, bur. 11 Mar 1665, Nonington, Kent, England |
Family ID |
F523 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Anne DIGGES, b. Jul 1616, Chilham Castle, Chilham, Kent, England , bur. 25 Oct 1664, Nonington, Kent, England (Age ~ 48 years) |
Married |
6 Jul 1633 |
Chilham, Kent, England |
Children |
| 1. Elizabeth HAMMOND, c. 5 Sep 1636, Nonington, Kent, England  |
| 2. Margaret HAMMOND, c. 13 May 1639, Nonington, Kent, England  |
| 3. Anthony HAMMOND, b. Abt 1641, Of Somersham Place, Huntingdonshire, England , d. 1681 (Age ~ 40 years) |
| 4. William HAMMOND, d. 6 May 1685 |
| 5. Dudley HAMMOND |
| 6. Phoebe HAMMOND, b. 1646, Nonnington, Kent, England , d. 11 Jul 1713, Petham, Kent, England (Age 67 years) |
| 7. † Edward HAMMOND |
| 8. † Mary HAMMOND |
| 9. Hester HAMMOND, b. Abt 1649, d. 25th Day of May 1719, Canterbury, Kent, England (Age ~ 70 years) |
| 10. Jane HAMMOND |
| 11. Anne HAMMOND |
| 12. Frances HAMMOND |
Last Modified |
20 Mar 2022 |
Family ID |
F516 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Sources |
- [S99] Miscellaneous, Deed of Covenant, 2 Jan 1631.
Deed of Covenant 2 January 1631 (7 Charles I)
Indorsed "Deed of Covenant to levy a fine and suffer a recovery to the use of Anthony Hammond. and his heirs".Parties – Anthony Hammond of St. Albons Nonington Kent Esquire (1) Francis Hammond of St. Albons aforesaid, gentleman (2) and John Marsham of Hallinge, Kent, gentleman, and William Harrison of Woodnesborough, Kent, gentleman (3).Reciting that said Anthony Hammond now is and standeth seised in his demeasne as of fee tayle of and in 9 pieces of ffresh marsh lying in the parish of Ash next Sandwich Kent, 3 pieces whereof lye together in Ash aforesaid containing together by estimation 41 acres and 2 Daieworkes do abut lye and bound to the lands now or late of Thomas Huffam gentleman towards the North and to a certaine Streame there called Pope’s Streame North and East one piece whereof is now in the tenure or occupacon of Edward Gaye gentleman and other 2 peeces residue of the said 3 peeces are now in the occupacon of John Taylor the younger and late were in the occupacon of John Taylor the elder.Two other peeces whereof containing by estimation 14 acres 1 rood 4 daie workes and 2 perches does abut lye and bound upon the lands of the said Anthony Hammond there towards the North-West and South and to lands of the said Thomas Huffam towards the East and are in the occupacon of William Taylor and the said John Taylor junior.One other peece whereof containing by estimation 9 acres and 1 rood doth abut lye and bound upon land of the said Anthony Hammond there towards the North West and South and to the lands of the said Thomas Huffam towards the East now in the occupacon of Stephen Sollye.One other peece whereof containing by estimation 7 acres 2 daye workes and 1 perche doth abut lye and bound upon lands of the said Anthony Hammond towards the East West North and South and now in the occupacon of the said Stephen Sollye.One other peece or parcell whereof containing by estimation 12 acres and 3 roods doth abut lye and bound upon the lands of the said Anthony Hammond there towards the West South and East and to lands of the said Thomas Huffam towards the North now in the occupacon of the said Stephen Sollye.And one other peece or parcell residue of the said 9 peeces together with halfe soe much of the droveway there as lyeth and extendeth itself against the said peece there doth conteyne by estimation 14 acres and 8 daye workes and boundeth and abutteth upon the lands of the said Anthony Hammond towards the West to the lands of the said Thomas Huffam towards the North to lands of the heires of Richard Huffam towards the South and to lands of the said Thomas Huffam and the droveway there towards the East.All which severall peeces and parcells of ffresh Marsh and pres aforesaid are or reputed to be parcell of the mannor of Guston Ffleete with thappurtenances in the said parish of Ash next Sandwich aforesaid.COVENANTS to levy fine and suffer recovery to the use of the said Anthony Hammond and his heirs.[Totals of acreage added by Dr HardmanA. R. P.41. 2. 014. 1. 29. 1. 07. 2. 112. 3. 014. 8. 0101. 1. 3
- [S99] Miscellaneous, Deed of Covenant, 17 Apr 1633.
Deed of Covenant 17 April 1633 (9 Charles I)
Deed of Covenant to levy fine and uses of Settlement.Parties – Anthony Hammond of St. Albons Nonyngton Esquire (1) Robert Hammond of St. Albons, gentleman, fferdinando Marsham of London gentleman and William Harrison of Woodnesborough, gentleman (3).Reciting that said Anthony Hammond is now seised in his demeasne as of fee simple or fee tayle of and inParcels – The Manor of Estwall alias Esole alias Essole alias St. Albans alias St. Alban’s Court and of one capitall messuage 2 barnes, 2 stables, 1 dovehouse, 2 orchards, 1 garden, 225 acres of land 19 acres of meadowe, 165 acres of pasture in Nonington now in occupacon of Henry Toms.And of one messuage 1 barne 1 hemplott and 8 acres of arable land and 7 acres of pasture land in Nonington parcell of the land belonging to or reputed to be parcell of the Mannor of St. Albans and now in the occupacon of Bridges Widowe late wife of Edward Bridges deceased.One messuage or tenement called Monckton alias Monks alias Monocton and 2½ acres of pasture land in Nonyngton in occupacon of John Cox.25 acres of wood in Nonington and in Goodnestone in occupacon of the said Anthony Hammond. A farme called Chillenden Court alias Chillenden Courtlodge and 1 messuage, 2 barnes, 1 stable, 2 dovehouses, 1 orchard, 115 acres of arable land and 32 acres of pasture in Goodnestone and in Chillenden and Wingham now in occupacon of Stephen Kingsmill.One messuage 1 barne 1 orchard, 12 acres of arable land and 2 acres of pasture land in parish of Northborne and in Chillenden and Goodnestone now in occupacon of Stephen Cosins.And the Mannor of Guston Fleete and 1 messuage 1 barne 1 stable, 1 orchard, 1 garden, 60 acres of arable land, 13 acres of pasture land and 17 acres of fresh marsh in Ash next Sandwich in occupacon o f Stephen Solly.One messuage, 1 barne, 10 acres of arable land and 3 acres of pasture in Ash now in occupacon of William Bax.Sixteen other pieces of fresh marsh in Ash containing together by estimation 107 acres of fresh marsh and parcell of said Mannor of Guston Fleete in Ash.Covenant by said Anthony Hammond with the trustees of 3rd part to levy a fine to said Robert Hammond to uses of a family settlement.
- [S99] Miscellaneous, Agreement for removing Wardship, 12 Oct 1633.
Agreement for removing Wardship 12 October 1633 (9 Charles I)
Parties – The Right Honourable Sir Robert Naunton, Knight, Master of the King’s Majestys Court of Wards and Liveryes and Sir Beniamyn Rudyerd Knight, Surveior of the same Liveryes for and in the name and behalf of our said soveraigne lord the Kinge on the one part and Anthony Hamond Esquire cosen and next heire of Edward Hamond Esquire deceased on the other part.Witnesseth that whereas our said soveraigne lord the Kinge is agreed to graunte unto the said Anthony Hamond one ousterlemayne to be had of and into certaine lands and tenements holden of our said soverainge lord the Kinge as of his [?Castle of Dover] by Knight service which to the said Anthony Hamond in lands and tenements descended and came in use possession or [blank] from the said Edward Hamond as Cozen and heire unto the said Edward Hamond as in the said ousterlemayne more plainly it is conveynedNevertheless for that our said soveraigne lorde the Kinge should not be deceaved but that his grace should have perfect knowledge and understanding of the true value of the said lands and tenements and all other hereditaments The said Anthony Hamond lately delivered to the daie of the date hereof unto the said Sir Robert Naunton Knightand Sir Beniamyn Rudyerd Knight a writeinge in parchment indented hereunto annexed wherein he coveyned and specified All the lands and tenements and the true yearelie value of the same which the said Anthony Hamond willeth and intendeth to have or shall have out of the Kinge’s Majesty’s hands or possession by the said OusterlemayneAnd over that the said Anthony Hamond covenanteth and graunteth for him his heires and executors to and with the said Sir Robert Naunton Knight and Sir Beniamyn Rudyerd Knight that one Auditor or Auditors of the said soveraigne lord of the Kinge to be asssigned or any Auditor of the Kinge’s Court of Wards and Liveryes for the tyme beinge shall at the coste and chardges of the said Anthony Hamond and at such tymes as it shall please our said soveraigne if it can be proved that any Mannors lands tenements and other hereditaments whereof the said Anthony Hamond or any other person or persons for him or in his name or by his consent taketh or which hereafter shall or maie lawfullie take any advantage benefitt profitt or comoditie by reason or culler of the said Ousterlemayne holden of our said soveraigne Lord the Kinge by Knight service in cheife or in Soccage in cheife be of more better or larger yearelie value then in the same writeinge is conteyned Then our said soveraigne Lord the Kinge shalbe by the said Anthony Hamond his heires or assignes trulie answered and satisfied of the concealment and offence in that behalfe the said Anthony Hamond shall content and paie unto our said soveraigne lord the Kinge into his grace’s Court of Wards and Liveryes the double of one yeares value of all the lands and tenements so omitted or undervalued.And our said soveraigne lord the Kinge shall and may receive and take the yssues and profitts of the lands and tenements soe omitted or undervalued from the death of the said Edward Hamond untill the said Edward Hamond [sic] his executors or assignes shall have agreed to and with the said Sir Robert Naunton Knight and Sir Beniamyn Rudyerd Knight or other the Masters of the Kinge’s Court of Wards and Liveryes and Surveior of the same Liveryes for the tyme beinge for the value and overplus of the lands tenements and hereditaments of money as by the agreement of the Master of the King’s Court of Wards and Liveryes and Surveyor of the same Liveryes shalbe taxed assigned or appointed anything herein conteyned to the contrary notwithstandingExecuted by Ben Rudyerd.
- [S99] Miscellaneous, Valor of Extent, 1629.
Valor of Extent 1615
VALOR OF EXTENT being the value of all and singular the mannors messuages lands and other hereditaments whatsoever which were late of Edward Hamond Esq. deceased and which by or after the death of the same Edward deceased to Anthony Hamond Esq. his Kinsman and next heir descended and may descend are due inuse possession and rendition, which Edward Hamond died on the 26th day of October in the 13th year of the reign of the late King James of England etc. (1615) Anthony below age and in the custody of the said lord King by reason of which minority of his age and besides that is to say on the 1st day of September in the 5th year of the present Charles the aforesaid Anthony Hamond reached his full ageof 21 years By Inquisition thence taken at Canterbury Castle in the County of Kent on the 13th day of March in the 13th year of the same aforesaid James the aforesaid Anthony Hamond comes to prosecute a writ Le Ousterlemayne.Entered in the 14th book of inrolment Schedules folio )
5th year of Charles I translates into 1629.