Abt 1510 - 1571 (~ 61 years)
Name |
William RUCK |
Born |
Abt 1510 |
Boughton-Blean, Kent, England [2] |
Gender |
Male |
Buried |
20 Oct 1571 |
Boughton-Blean, Kent, England [3] |
Person ID |
I3621 |
Young Kent Ancestors |
Last Modified |
6 Nov 2020 |
Family |
Margaret CARTER, b. Abt 1520, bur. 11 May 1583, St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, Kent, England (Age ~ 63 years) |
Married |
Abt 1542 |
Boughton-Blean, Kent, England [4] |
Children |
| 1. John RUCK, b. Abt 1545, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England , d. 30 Dec 1573, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England (Age ~ 28 years) |
| 2. Thomas RUCK, b. Abt 1550, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England  |
| 3. Adam RUCK, b. Abt 1551, bur. 22 Aug 1625, Chartham, Kent, England (Age ~ 74 years) |
| 4. Matthew ^ RUCK, b. Abt 1552, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England , d. 1596, St. Paul's Wharf, London, England (Age ~ 44 years) |
| 5. William RUCK, b. Abt 1553, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England , bur. 19 Oct 1592, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England (Age ~ 39 years) |
| 6. Martha RUCK, b. Abt 1553, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England  |
| 7. Cirriack RUCK, c. 2 Jun 1560, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England , bur. 18 Nov 1630, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England (Age ~ 70 years) |
| 8. Richard RUCK, c. 21 Dec 1562, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England , d. 1 Mar 1626, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England (Age ~ 63 years) |
| 9. Arthur RUCK, c. 8 Jul 1565, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England  |
Last Modified |
20 Mar 2022 |
Family ID |
F1426 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Sources |
- [S81] Will, Consistory Court of Canterbury, Consistory Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), LDS Film #0188846, vol. 31, 9 Feb 1571/1572.
IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN, the 30th day of May in the year of our Lord God a thousand, five hundred, three score and seven [1567] and in the 9th year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God of England, France and Ireland, Queen, defender of the faith, I WILLIAM RUCKE, of the parish of Boughton-under-the-Blean in the County of Kent, being whole and perfect of remembrance, thanks be given unto Almighty God, do make and declare this my present Testament wherein is stated my last Will in manner and form following, that is to say,
First, and especially, I give, render and bequeath my soul unto the most holy glorious and blessed Trinity the persons and one God, my only creator, redeemer and Saviour, trusting to be saved by Christ’s passion and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Boughton aforesaid next unto the burial of my late father, mother and wife there being on the east part of the said churchyard to the style which leadeth to the vicarage gate there.
Item, I will and bequeath unto the poor people inhabiting within the said parish of Boughton and without the parish, five [5] pounds of lawful money and in meat and drink to be distributed amongst them by my Executor and at his discretion, within one quarter of a year next after my decease, so that my will is that in all charges at my burial there be given five pounds.
Item, I give and bequeath unto either of my household servants, meaning as well man servants as maiden servants, five shillings of lawful money over and besides their wages to them to be due at the time of my decease, to be paid unto them and either of them by my Executor immediately after my decease.
Item, I give and bequeath unto STEPHEN WYMAN and JOHN SPENCER, MATHEW SPENCER and WILLIAM BROWNE, my late servants, unto every of them five [5] shillings to be paid unto them and every of them immediately after my decease.
Item, I bequeath to WILLIAM PRESSON five [5] shillings and to THOMAS OLYVER ten [10] shillings.
Item, I bequeath unto every of such my godchildren as shall come to my Executor and demand of him this my legacy herein to them bequeathed within two years next after my decease four [4] pence.
Item, I give and bequeath unto MARGARET, my wife, one hundred [100] pounds of good and lawful money of England to be paid unto her by my Executor within one whole year next after my decease. Also I do give and bequeath unto the said MARGARET, my wife, the moiety and half of all my household stuff and utensils of household excepted every such tub, fathe [sic], morter and other necessaries appertaining and customarily used to the art or occupation of a pointmaker and she to have the choice, the same being shifted to be delivered unto her by my Executor within one month next after my decease.
Item, I give and bequeath unto the said MARGARET five [5] quarters of wheat and five [5] quarters of malt to be delivered unto her by my Executor at such convenient time or times within one year next after my decease as she, the said MARGARET, shall demand the same.
Also I give and bequeath unto the said MARGARET two of my best kyne at her election to be delivered unto her immediately after my decease.
Item, I will and do give unto JOHN RUCKE, my eldest son, all that my messuage or tenement wherein I do now dwell situate and being within the said parish of Boughton in Boughton Street there together with all edifices, buildings, courtyards, closes, gardens or orchards to the same now belonging, annexed and adjoining to have and to hold to him the said JOHN RUCKE, and to his heirs forever. PROVIDED ALWAYS and my will is that the said MARGARET, my wife, shall or may during one whole year next after my decease, have, occupy and use the occupation of the chamber or loft over the hall of the said messuage or tenement together with one chamber or loft called the Garrett over the head of the foresaid loft or chamber and one loft named the Wheate Loft leading into the said garrett and one little chamber wherein the maids use to lie in, with free access, egress and regress into and from them and every of them without the let, molestation or denial of the said JOHN RUCKE, his heirs or assigns, so that the said MARGARET do during the said year keep herself sole and unmarried.
Also I do give and will unto the said JOHN, my son, all that my tenement named the Bell situate and being within the said parish of Boughton in Boughton Street aforesaid, together with all the lands, tenements and hereditaments which I late purchased and had to the use of me and to my heirs forever, of the gift and grant of William Roper, Esquire, to have and to hold unto the said JOHN, my son, and to his heirs forever, upon condition that if the said MARGARET, my wife, do not happen to marry within one year next after my decease, that then he, the said JOHN, his heirs and assigns shall immediately from and after the said year next after my said decease expired and ended, permit and quietly suffer her, the said MARGARET, to have her dwelling and occupation of the said tenement with all houses and one little orchard which one Golson now hath in his occupation, to the said tenement belonging during her widowhood, without any thing to be demanded for the same, she the said MARGARET keeping the reparations and necessary inclosures thereof.
Item, I do will and do give unto WILLIAM, my son, all that my messuage or tenement commonly named the White Horse situate and being within the said parish of Boughton in the Street named Boughton Street aforesaid, together with all houses, buildings, yards, closes, orchards, gardens, eight [8] acres of arable and meadow land, and all other hereditaments whatsoever to the said messuage or tenement belonging which I lately purchased of RICHARD PORREDGE, to have and to hold unto the said WILLIAM and to his heirs forever. Also, I will and bequeath unto the said WILLIAM, my son, three score [60] pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto him by my Executor within one year and an half next after my decease.
Item, I do give and will unto MATHEW, my son, all that my messuage or tenement, lands, meadows and hereditaments which I lately purchase of one John Fairbrook lying and being in the parish of Hernehill, in the county of Kent, to have and to hold to him, the said MATTHEW and to his heirs forever.
Item, I give and bequeath to the said MATTHEW, my son, five [5] pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto him my by Executor at the age of twenty-one [21] years.
Item, I do give and will unto THOMAS, my son, all that my messuage or tenement, houses, buildings, yards, closes, lands and hereditaments whatsoever which I late had and purchased to me and to my heirs forever, of the gift and grant of one William White, lying and being in the parish of Godmersham in the County of Kent, excepted and always reserved out of this gift one garden named Love Towne and one parcel of meadow lands to the same garden adjoining now in the occupation of one Browne Taylor, to have and to hold unto the said THOMAS all and singular the premises hereinbefore to the said THOMAS willed and given, except before excepted and reserved, unto the said THOMAS and to his heirs forever.
And also I will to the said THOMAS, five [5] pounds of lawful money of England to be paid within one year after my decease.
Item, I do will and give unto ADAM, my son, all that my messuage or tenement named Soleshill, situate and being in the parish of Chilham, in the County of Kent, together with all houses, buildings, orchards, lands and hereditaments whatsoever to the same messuage or tenement now belonging which I lately purchased and had to me and to my heirs forever, of the gift and grant of one Grymson, to have and to hold unto the said ADAM and to his heirs forever.
Also I do give and will unto the said ADAM, my son, the said garden name Love Towne together with the said parcel of meadow land to the same adjoining lying and being within the said parish of Godmersham, to have and to hold unto the said ADAM and to his heirs forever.
Item, I do give and bequeath unto the said ADAM, my son, five [5] pounds, thirteen [13] shillings four [4] pence of lawful money of England to be paid unto him by my Executor at his full age of twenty-one [21] years.
Item, I will and do give unto CYRYAKE, my son, all that my messuage or tenement named the Sign of the White Horse, situate and being in the said parish of Chilham, together with all houses, buildings, courtyards, closes, or orchards, gardens and hereditaments whatsoever to the same messuage or tenement belonging, which I lately purchased of one Robert Payne, to have and to hold unto him the said CYRYAKE and to his heirs forever.
Also, I do give and will unto the said CYRIAKE, my son, all those my six [6] acres of arable and pasture lands, be it more or less, lying and together being in two parcels in the said parish of Hernehill which I lately purchased of one Robert Snothe, and six [6] acres of arable and pasture land be it more or less lying and together being in three severals in the said parish of Hernehill, which I lately purchased of William Cockman, to have and to hold all and singular the premises to the said CYRYAKE hereinbefore willed unto him, the said CYRIYAKE, and to his heirs forever.
Item, I will and do give unto RICHARD and ARTHUR, my two sons, all that my messuage or tenements lying and being within the said parish of Chilham at Oldbeards Lease there, together with all houses, edifices, buildings, yards, closes, orchards, gardens, lands, tenements and hereditaments whatsoever unto the said messuage or tenement belonging, which I lately purchased and had to me and to my heirs forever, of the gift and grant of one Gyles Aunsell, to have and to hold unto them the said RICHARD and ARTHUR and to their heirs forever, PROVIDED ALWAYS and my will is that the said MARGARET, my wife shall have and enjoy unto her own proper use all the said messuage or tenement, lands, tenements and hereditaments herein willed and given unto the said RICHARD and ARTHUR, my two sons, until they, the said RICHARD and ARTHUR, attain and come to their several ages of twenty-one [21] years if she, the said MARGARET, so long do live, towards the charges of the bringing up of them, the said RICHARD and ARTHUR, and keeping the necessary reparations of the said messuage or tenement, houses and buildings and without doing or committing of any manner of voluntary waste and upon condition also that she, the said MARGARET, shall not nor do at any time hereafter make any claim title or demand of any jointure or dower out of all or any part of my said lands or tenements. And if that the said MARGARET my wife happen to die before the said RICHARD and ARTHUR, or either of them, shall come or attain to his full age of twenty-one [21] years, then I will the yearly profits and commodities of all the premises to them hereinbefore willed shall be and remain unto the eldest of my said sons which then shall be living together with the governance and bringing up of them, the said RICHARD and ARTHUR, until their said ages of twenty-one [21] years, keeping the necessary reparations, paying the rents to be due to the chief Lords of the fee and doing nor committing any manner of voluntary waste as is aforesaid. PROVIDED likewise and also I will that the said JOHN, my son, shall have and enjoy the yearly profits and revenues of all such lands, messuages, tenements and hereditaments as are hereinbefore willed or given unto every of my three sons, MATHEW, ADAM, and CYRYAKE until their ages of twenty-one [21] years so that the said JOHN at his charges do bring up them the said MATHEW, ADAM and CYRAYAKE in learning or some virtuous exercise until their said ages of twenty-one [21] years and keeping the necessary reparations of all the messuages, houses and buildings herein before to them given, paying the yearly rents to be due unto the chief Lords of the fee of all the premises and without doing or committing of any manner of willful or voluntary waste.
The residue of all my movable goods and chattels herein not before given nor bequeathed I do give and bequeath them unto the said JOHN my son, paying my debts, legacies and funeral charges.
And also I do make, constitute and ordain the said JOHN my son, my sole Executor of this my said Testament and last Will. And furthermore, I will that if any of my children do decease before the age of twenty-one [21] years that then I will that his part or portion of house or lands shall be divided indifferently amongst the rest of my sons, every man portion-like. And for the oversight of this my will to be done and fulfilled I do make WILLIAM RUCKE and THOMAS RUCKE, my two sons, to be overseers of this my Will.
PROBATE granted 9th day of February 1571/72 to STEPHEN WYMAND and JOHN SPENSER
Will of William RUCKE, of Boughton-under-Blean, Kent, 30 May 1567
- [S81] Will, Consistory Court of Canterbury, Consistory Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), LDS Film #0188842, 1537-1542, 24 Apr 1542.
Will of John Rucke, Sr. of Boughton-under-Blean
- [S33] Bishop's Transcript, England, Church of England, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, Canterbury, Kent, England, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), LDS Film #1736527, Boughton-under-Blean, Kent, 20 Oct 1571.
- [S78] Will, Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), Canterbury Cathedral Archives PRC17/45/58, 12 Jun 1583.
In the name of God Amen the 7th day of May in the 25th year of the reign of our sovereign lady Elizabeth by the grace of god Queen of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, Imprimis. I, MARGARET PORREDGE, widow of the parish of St Dunstan, being sick in body but of good and perfect remembrance, god be praised therefore, do make my last will and testament in form as followeth. That is to say, first I bequeath my soul and body to Jesus Christ my only saviour and redeemer by whose merits I hope to be saved and by no others, to which Christ Jesus with god the father and god the holy ghost, three persons but one god be all honour and glory world without end amen.
And for my burial I will my body after my decease to be buried in the church of Saint Dunstan's near Canterbury near to my husband John Porredge.
And as concerning my temporal goods which god hath endowed me with all, I give and bequeath in form as followeth, that is to say, first I give and bequeath to Thomas Rucke my son, my second coverlet, one pillow, one blanket and a framed table, one carpet, one silver spoon and 7 pounds of good and lawfull money of England.
Item I give and bequeath to Matthew Rucke my son my best coverlet, a table cloth of Diaper, a drinking cloth of Damask, three silver spoons, one candlestick and 10 pounds of good and lawfull money of England.
Item I give and bequeath to Adam Rucke my son one feather bed, one bolster, one pillow, one silver spoon, one candlestick, one chest and 7 pounds of good and lawfull money of England.
Item I give and bequeath to Syracke Rucke my son one bedstead, one coverlet, one blanket, one caldron, one brass pan, one skimmer, one candlestick, one wine stool, one cushenet, one silver spoon and 7 pounds of good and lawfull money of England.
Item I give and bequeath to Richard Rucke my son one feather bed, one bolster and pillow, one brass pot, one kettle, one chafer with ring, one stupnett, one candlestick ( and he to give Arthur Rucke my son 5 shillings to buy a lesser brass pot ), one joined stool, one chest, one cushenet, one silver spoon and 5 pounds of good and lawfull money of England
Item I give and bequeath to Arthur Rucke my son one bolster, one pillow, one blanket, two kettles, my best stupnett, one chafing dish, one candlestick, one joined stool, one cushenet, a great chest, one silver spoon, my great gold ring? and 5 pounds of good and lawfull money of England.
I will that all my pewter shall equally divided amongst all my sons, Thomas, Matthew, Adam, Syracke, Richard and Arthur.
Item I give and bequeath to Elizabeth Porredge the drinking cloth I had at the division.
Item I will that all the rest of my linen shall be equally divided amongst my said sons, Thomas, Matthew, Adam, Syracke, Richard and Arthur.
Then I will that my best feather bed with the bolster shall be sold if I have not money enough to pay all my legacies. But if I have enough to discharge all my legacies then I will and bequeath the said feather bed with the bolster to Matthew Ruck my son.
Item I give and bequeath to Thomasin Rucke my daughter two cushenets and one coffer.
Will of Margaret Porredge also Ruck, nee Carter - widow of Canterbury 1583, page 2
Item I will and bequeath to Susan Porredge the gold ring on my finger.
I will and bequeath to my sister Saukyn my best gown.
I will and bequeath to good wife Powell my gown of sheep's russet garded? with velvet.
I will and bequeath to Alice Rucke my daughter my gown of maccadoe?
I will and bequeath to Edward Rucke and Daniel Rucke the sons of Adam Rucke my son other of them 10 shillings
I will and bequeath to Thomazine Carter and Joane Carter daughters of my brother George Carter other of them half a crown, the one being a quarter of an angel and the other a half crown.
I will and bequeath to George Rucke and Anne and Susan Rucke, son and daughters of my son William Rucke my son , other of them 6 shillings.
I will and bequeath to my son Adam Rucke's wife and William Rucke's wife other of them a gold ring?
Item I will that my son Thomas Rucke shall be my sole executor of this my testament and last will and my brother George Carter and Bartholomew Powell my witnesses that this my will be fully performed. In Witness that this is my true last will and testament of the said Margaret Porredge have hereto set my seal. And I give and bequeath the house and garden with the appurtenances called the George in Westgate Street nigh unto the City of Canterbury in the occupation of Thomas Search unto Richard and Arthur my sons late purchased of Richard Purkon? with the garden now in the occupation of Nicholas Montpare?
Probate - 12th June 1583 - Witnesses George Carter and Bartholomew Powell
Cushenett - small cushion or pin cushionStupnett - Stewing potMaccadoe - ?
Transcript received from Mike Cozens.