Abt 1552 - 1596 (~ 44 years)
Name |
Matthew ^ RUCK |
Born |
Abt 1552 |
Boughton-Blean, Kent, England [1] |
Gender |
Male |
Died |
1596 |
St. Paul's Wharf, London, England [2] |
Person ID |
I3630 |
Young Kent Ancestors |
Last Modified |
3 Jan 2022 |
Father |
William RUCK, b. Abt 1510, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England , bur. 20 Oct 1571, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England (Age ~ 61 years) |
Mother |
Margaret CARTER, b. Abt 1520, bur. 11 May 1583, St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, Kent, England (Age ~ 63 years) |
Married |
Abt 1542 |
Boughton-Blean, Kent, England [3] |
Family ID |
F1426 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Sources |
- [S81] Will, Consistory Court of Canterbury, Consistory Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), LDS Film #0188846, vol. 31, 9 Feb 1571/1572.
Will of William RUCKE, of Boughton-under-Blean, Kent, 30 May 1567
- [S66] Will, Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Lambeth Palace, London, England, (England, Kew: The National Archives (formerly the Public Record Office)), Prob11/89, fol. 286-289, 9 May 1597.
IN THE NAME OF THE MOST HOLY, most righteous and most merciful God, the father the son and holy ghost three persons and one eternal, and everloving God to who, be all praise, honor, glory and dominion forever and ever. The seven and twentieth day of February in the nine and thirtieth year of the reign of our most gracious Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England, France and Ireland, Queen, defender of the faith, etc. one thousand five hundred ninety six, I, MATHEWE RUCKE, son of William Rucke while he lived of Boughton under the Blean in the county of Kent, yeoman, deceased, being somewhat weak in body yet of sound mind and perfect memory (for which I yeild to my good God most hearty thanks) do declare, ordain and make these presents wherein is declared this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following,
First, I give and recommend my soul into the hands of the almighty and everliving God my only Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ by whose righteousness death and resurrection I wretched sinner hope to have everlasting life for so hath it pleased our good God of his great mercy to accompt and accept me most vile and sinful wretch, holy and righteous in his most blessed son Jesus Christ our Lord for which I humbly desire his great maiesties to make me more thankful and to keep me in his faith and obedience unto my lives end which I trust he will do of his infinite goodness (for his election is without repentance) have may already in some measure made me feel the hope of my salvation And my body to be buried in such manner and place as unto my Executor shall seem good howbeit I could afford to be buried so near my father or mother as conveniently might be.
Item, my desire is that there be one sermon of Christ Jesus crucified, Cori: 2 ca: 5, verse 21 and the benefits of his passion preached the day of my burial by some honest and learned person for the instruction of those which shall accompany my body to the earth.
Item, I will and give to the poor people inhabiting within the parish of St. Peter near Paul's wharf, London, ten shillings.
Item, I will and give to the poor people inhabiting within the foresaid parish of Boughton three pounds of lawful English money. And to the poor people inhabiting within the parish of Hernehill next to the said parish of Boughton five pounds of like money to be distributed amongst them at the discretion of my Executor within one half year next after my decease.
Item, I will and give to the poor prisoners which shall be found and remaining within the Goals of Canterbury and Maidstone within the said County within twenty days next after my decease forty shillings of like lawful money viz. every Goal twenty shillings to be distributed amongst them at the discretion of my said Executor.
Item, I will and give to THOMAS MILLES, Esquire Customer of Sandwich within Kent my dearest and best friend one standishe of silver price six pounds of lawful English money as a token of thankfulness for his more than brotherly kind favours so many ways to me showed praying that the fashion thereof be at his own appointment and liking.
Item, I will and give to BARTHELMEW ROWELL of the parish of St. Dunstans next Canterbury three pounds of lawful English money to be paid to him within one quarter of a year next after my decease.
Item I will and give to EDWARD PORRADG my brother in law and to SUSANA JOHNSON my sister in law to either of them one book of the New Testament of our Saviour Jesus Christ in English fair and well bound price six shillings eight pence viz. every book.
Item, I will and give to WILLIAM GLOVER of Sandwich aforesaid one like New Testament price six shillings eight pence.
Item, I will and give to my nephew THOMAS RUCK son of my brother JOHN RUCKE deceased and to every one of the children of my brother WILLIAM RUCKE deceased so likewise to every one of the children of all my other brethren now living one like New Testament of the like price of six shillings eight pence to be delivered to every of them at their several ages of ten years.
Item, I will and give to my said nephew THOMAS RUCKE one Bible of the holy scriptures in English of the largest volume and impression last before my decease and one book of Martyrs of the last edition compiled by Mr. John Fox to be delivered to him within one year next after my deceased.
Item, I will and give further to my said nephew THOMAS RUCKE twenty pounds of lawful English money to be paid to him within one year next after my decease.
Item, I will and give to my nephew GEORGE RUCKE son of my foresaid brother WILLIAM deceased five pounds of like money to be paid to him within one half year next after my decease.
Item, I will and give to my nephew EDWARD RUCKE other son of my said brother WILLIAM five pounds of like English money to be paid to him at his full age of eighteen years and if it shall happen my said nephew EDWARD RUCKE to decease before he shall accomplish his said age of eighteen years then I will and give his said legacy of five pounds to my said nephew GEORGE RUCKE.
Item, I will and give to my niece AGNES RUCKE daughter of my said brother WILLIAM the like sum of five pounds to be paid to her within one half year next after my decease.
Item, I will and give to SUSANNA RUCKE the daughter of my said brother WILLIAM the like sum of five pounds to be paid to her at her full age of sixteen years.
Item, I will and give to MARGARET RUCKE other daughter of my said brother WILLIAM five pounds of like money to be paid to her at her full age of sixteen years.
Item, I will and give to ELIZABETH RUCKE other daughter of my said brother WILLIAM six pounds thirteen shillings four pence of like English money to be paid to her at her full age of sixteen years.
Item, I will and give to THOMAZIN RUCKE and JOHAN RUCKE other daughters of my said brother WILLIAM and to every of them five pounds of like money to be paid every of them at their several ages of sixteen years. And if it shall happen any of my said daughters of my said brother WILLIAM to decease before her or any of their said several ages of sixteen years then I will her or their said legacy so deceasing to be equally divided amongst the residue of her or their said sisters surviving to be paid at her or their foresaid ages of sixteen years.
Item, I will and give to my brother THOMAS RUCKE ten pounds of lawful English money to be paid to him or his assigns within one year next after my decease and six silver spoons price forty shillings and one gilt salt of silver price three pounds of like money. Also I give unto him one like Bible of the holy scriptures and one like book of the Martyrs and one book of the Sermon of Mr. John Fox preached by him at Paul's Cross in London upon Good Friday and imprinted in Anno 1565.
Item, I will and give to my brother ADAM RUCKE the sum of ten pounds of like money to be paid to him or his assigns within one year next after my decease.
Item, I will and give further to my said brother ADAM RUCKE six silver spoons price forty shillings and one silver salt gilt price three pounds of like money and one like Bible of the holy scriptures and one like book of the Martyrs and one like Sermon preached by the said Mr. Fox.
Item, I will and give to NATHANIEL RUCKE my godson son of my brother ARTHUR RUCKE my tankard of silver which my meaning is shall be delivered to his said father to the said NATHANIEL's use within one half year next after my decease and my Executor to be no further charged therewith. And if the said NATHANEIL do die before he shall accomplish his full age of one and twenty years then I will the said tankard to my said brother ARTHUR RUCKE or to his assigns.
Item, I will and give to MRS. URSULA RANDOLPH widow my very reverend Mistress who hath ever had a special care of my well doing one pair of gloves price thirteen shillings four pence.
Item, I will and give to every one of the daughters of my said Mistress, (vizt. FRAUNCIS, URSULA and ELIZABETH) one pair of glove price six shillings, eight pence.
Item, I will and give to Mistress BINGHAM of Newington next Sittingborne in Kent the sum of five pounds of lawful English money to be paid within one quarter of a year next after my decease.
Item, I will and give to ELIZABETH WOOD of Sittingborne aforesaid one gold ring price thirteen shillings four pence.
Item, I will and give to the widow of RICHARD JUCE of Boughton aforesaid ten shillings and to AUGUSTINE MORTON and his wife ten shillings vizt every of them five shillings.
Item, I will and give to ALEXANDER LAWE my good friend one like new Testament of the holy scripture price six shillings eight pence.
Item, I will and give to HENRIE HARRIS of Minster in Sheppy one like New Testament price six shillings eight pence and to MARGARET his now wife one ring of gold price twenty shillings with a death's head enameled thereupon.
Item, I will and give to my cousin PETER OLIVER one ring of gold price thirteen shillings four pence and my Bible which his brother MICHAEL gave me by his last Will.
Item, I will and give to FORTUNE the wife of GODFRY PHILLIPPS in London twenty shillings and to the widow BULLOCKE there my laundress six shillings eight pence.
Item, I will and give to my uncle JOHN RUCKE of Shelvidg in Kent one Angel of gold and to my cousin SYMON RUCKE his son ten shillings.
Item, I will and give to my cousin the wife of RICHARD PORRADG jurat of Sandwich one ring of gold with a death's head enameled thereupon price ten shillings besides the fashioning.
Item, I will and give to every one of my sisters the wives of my brethren now living one ring of gold with a death's head thereupon enameled price thirteen shillings four pence besides the fashioning and to my sister HENMAN one like ring of the like price and to my sister NEAME if she shall be dwelling within forty miles of London at time of my decease one like ring of gold of the like price.
Touching the disposition of all my lands, tenements and hereditaments which I now have within the parish of Boughton or Hernehill aforesaid or elsewhere within this realm of England my will and meaning is they shall be disposed in manner and form following, viz:
First, I will and bequeath to my brother CIRIAK RUCKE all that my capital messuage or tenement with all barns, edifices, orchards, gardens, yards, and watercourse or courses thereto appertaining or therewith now used situate lying and being in Boughton aforesaid in a street there called Boughton Street to the Queen's highway there against the north, to the lands of me the said MATHEWE RUCKE against the south, to the lands of John Spencer towards the east and to the church way there leading to Boughton church and the lands of me the said MATHEWE RUCKE towards the west. And also I will and give to my said brother CIRIAK RUCKE all that my parcel or parcels of land there lying in Boughton aforesaid and near to the said street abutting there to the said church way and to the said courts and orchards and other edifices and enclosures of messuage towards the east commonly called by the name of Bell Close now into two parcels divided and called by the names of Bell Close and Bell Garden containing by estimation three acres more or less which said messuage or tenement, barns, edifices, orchards, yard, courts, water course or courses, parcel or parcels of land with all other the said last recited premises are now in the occupation of the said CIRIAK RUCKE or of his assigns And all which said premises I the said MATHEWE RUCKE purchased to me and my heirs of my foresaid nephew THOMAS RUCKE to have and to hold the said capital messuage or tenement, barns, edifices, orchards, gardens, yards. courts, water course or courses, parcel or parcels of land and all other the premises with their appurtenances to my said brother CIRIAKE RUCKE and to his heirs forever with all writings, deeds, charters and muniments touching or concerning the same. Provided always and my will and meaning is that my said brother CIRIAK his heirs, Executors or assigns or some one of them shall within one year next after my decease pay or cause to be paid to my said brother RUCKE his Executors or assigns the sum of thirty pounds of lawful English money to be employed for and towards the payment of divers my legacies given and mentioned in this my last Will. And if default of payment be made of the said thirty pounds in manner aforesaid, Then my will and meaning is and hereby I do devise, ordain, constitute and authorize my foresaid brother RICHARD RUCKE, his Executors or assigns during the space and term of twenty and one years next immediately ensuing the day after my decease and fully to be complete and ended to enter into the aforesaid messuage and all other the foresaid premises with their appurtenances and to stand possessed and freely to enjoy the foresaid messuage, parcel or parcels of land and all other the said premises only paying the rents for the same yearly to the chief Lord or Lords of the fee and keeping all and every the said premises in and by all needful and necessary reparations during all the said term so as my will and meaning is that then the foresaid brother CIRIAK his heirs, Executors or assigns shall not intermeddle with the said messuage or tenement and all other the premises with their appurtenances during the said term of one and twenty years or receive any yearly benefit or profit by the same any devise, gift, clause or sentence in this my last Will declared and mentioned for or concerning the said premises to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
Item, I will and give further to my foresaid brother CIRIAK RUCK one like Bible as aforesaid of the holy scriptures and one like book of the Martyrs and one like book of the said sermon preached by the said Mr. Fox to be delivered to him or his assigns within one year next after my decease.
Item, I will and give to my brother RICHARD RUCKE all those my lands, tenements and hereditaments which I now hold and enjoy by the gift of WILLIAM RUCKE my father situate lying and being in the foresaid parish of HERNEHILL and also all that my parcel of land containing by estimation two acres and one half more or less lying and being in a field there called Lyllysdowne in the Borough of Staple in the said parish of Hernehill which I lately purchased to me and my heirs of my foresaid brother in law EDWARD PORRADG als PORDAGE of Bekisborne in Kent to have and to hold all and every the foresaid last recited lands, tenements and hereditaments with their appurtenances lying in Hernehill aforesaid to my said brother RICHARD RUCKE and to his heirs forever.
Item, I will and give to my foresaid brother RICHARD one like Bible of the holy scriptures, one like book of the Martyrs and one like book of the sermon preached by the said Mr. Fox.
Item, I will and give to my brother ARTHUR RUCKE all that my messuage or tenement called the Bell with the court and orchard thereto appertaining now in the tenure of William Cornish or of his assigns situate lying and being in Boughton aforesaid in the street there called Boughton Street to the Queen's highway towards the north to the foresaid parcel of land called Bell Close towards the south to the lands of Marie Whetstone towards the east and to the lands of the heirs of Philpott towards the west. Also I will and give to my said brother ARTHUR RUCKE all those my two parcels of land lying in Boughton aforesaid whereof one parcel containeth by estimation four acres and one half acre lying in a field there called Bornefield and the other parcel containeth by estimation one acre and one half acre and lyeth in a field there called Stomble field as the metes and bounds thereof do further declare, to have and to hold the said messuage or tenement called the Bell and the said two parcels of land and other last recited premises with their appurtenances to my said brother ARTHUR RUCKE and to his heirs forever with all deeds, charters, writings and muniments touching the same.
Item, I will and give to my said brother ARTHUR RUCKE one like Bible of the holy scriptures, one like book of the Martyrs and one like book of the said sermon preached by the said Mr. Fox to be delivered to him or his assigns within one year next after my decease.
The residue of all my goods and chattels unbequeathed (my debts, legacies and funerals discharged) I give fully and wholly to my foresaid brother RUCKE.
And I do hereby make and ordain my said brother RICHARD sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament.
And I likewise ordain my foresaid best friend THOMAS MILLES, Esquire and my foresaid brothers THOMAS, ADAM, CIRIAK and ARTHUR Overseers thereof to whom I give for their pains therein to be taken fifty shillings equally between them to be divided praying them to be aiding and helping to my Executor in the execution of this my last Will with their best wit and cunning. And I do earnestly and heartily desire that this my last Will and Testament may be proved and performed according to the honest trust and great confidence I have ever had in my said brother RICHARD.
In witness that this is my last Will and Testament I have subscribed my name with mine own hand to every page thereof being fifteen in number and set to my seal the day and year first above written.
Mathewe Rucke
SIGNED, SEALED AND PUBLISHED in the presence of us
Alexander Lawe
Christofer Ownie
Henrie Hughes
PROBATUM FUIT TESTAMENTUM suprascriptum apud London coram venerabili viro Magistro Willimo Lewyn legum doctore curie Prerogative Cantuariensis magistro custode suie Commissario legitime constituto nono die mensis May Anno Domini millesimo quingentes nonagesimo septimo Iuramento RICHARDI RUCKE fratris dicti defunct et Executoris in huiusmodi Testamento nominati cui commissa fuit administratio bonorum Iurim et creditorum dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter administrando etc. ad sancta dei Evangelia iurat.
The above-written Will was proven in London in the presence of the venerable Master William Lewin, doctor of laws, Prerogative of the Court of Canterbury, lawfully appointed master of the Commissary the ninth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and ninety-seventh by the oath of RICHARD RUCKE, brother of the said deceased and named executor in this Will, to whom the administration of the rights and creditors of the said deceased was entrusted to administer well and faithfully, he swears by the holy Gospels of God.
- [S78] Will, Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), Canterbury Cathedral Archives PRC17/45/58, 12 Jun 1583.
In the name of God Amen the 7th day of May in the 25th year of the reign of our sovereign lady Elizabeth by the grace of god Queen of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, Imprimis. I, MARGARET PORREDGE, widow of the parish of St Dunstan, being sick in body but of good and perfect remembrance, god be praised therefore, do make my last will and testament in form as followeth. That is to say, first I bequeath my soul and body to Jesus Christ my only saviour and redeemer by whose merits I hope to be saved and by no others, to which Christ Jesus with god the father and god the holy ghost, three persons but one god be all honour and glory world without end amen.
And for my burial I will my body after my decease to be buried in the church of Saint Dunstan's near Canterbury near to my husband John Porredge.
And as concerning my temporal goods which god hath endowed me with all, I give and bequeath in form as followeth, that is to say, first I give and bequeath to Thomas Rucke my son, my second coverlet, one pillow, one blanket and a framed table, one carpet, one silver spoon and 7 pounds of good and lawfull money of England.
Item I give and bequeath to Matthew Rucke my son my best coverlet, a table cloth of Diaper, a drinking cloth of Damask, three silver spoons, one candlestick and 10 pounds of good and lawfull money of England.
Item I give and bequeath to Adam Rucke my son one feather bed, one bolster, one pillow, one silver spoon, one candlestick, one chest and 7 pounds of good and lawfull money of England.
Item I give and bequeath to Syracke Rucke my son one bedstead, one coverlet, one blanket, one caldron, one brass pan, one skimmer, one candlestick, one wine stool, one cushenet, one silver spoon and 7 pounds of good and lawfull money of England.
Item I give and bequeath to Richard Rucke my son one feather bed, one bolster and pillow, one brass pot, one kettle, one chafer with ring, one stupnett, one candlestick ( and he to give Arthur Rucke my son 5 shillings to buy a lesser brass pot ), one joined stool, one chest, one cushenet, one silver spoon and 5 pounds of good and lawfull money of England
Item I give and bequeath to Arthur Rucke my son one bolster, one pillow, one blanket, two kettles, my best stupnett, one chafing dish, one candlestick, one joined stool, one cushenet, a great chest, one silver spoon, my great gold ring? and 5 pounds of good and lawfull money of England.
I will that all my pewter shall equally divided amongst all my sons, Thomas, Matthew, Adam, Syracke, Richard and Arthur.
Item I give and bequeath to Elizabeth Porredge the drinking cloth I had at the division.
Item I will that all the rest of my linen shall be equally divided amongst my said sons, Thomas, Matthew, Adam, Syracke, Richard and Arthur.
Then I will that my best feather bed with the bolster shall be sold if I have not money enough to pay all my legacies. But if I have enough to discharge all my legacies then I will and bequeath the said feather bed with the bolster to Matthew Ruck my son.
Item I give and bequeath to Thomasin Rucke my daughter two cushenets and one coffer.
Will of Margaret Porredge also Ruck, nee Carter - widow of Canterbury 1583, page 2
Item I will and bequeath to Susan Porredge the gold ring on my finger.
I will and bequeath to my sister Saukyn my best gown.
I will and bequeath to good wife Powell my gown of sheep's russet garded? with velvet.
I will and bequeath to Alice Rucke my daughter my gown of maccadoe?
I will and bequeath to Edward Rucke and Daniel Rucke the sons of Adam Rucke my son other of them 10 shillings
I will and bequeath to Thomazine Carter and Joane Carter daughters of my brother George Carter other of them half a crown, the one being a quarter of an angel and the other a half crown.
I will and bequeath to George Rucke and Anne and Susan Rucke, son and daughters of my son William Rucke my son , other of them 6 shillings.
I will and bequeath to my son Adam Rucke's wife and William Rucke's wife other of them a gold ring?
Item I will that my son Thomas Rucke shall be my sole executor of this my testament and last will and my brother George Carter and Bartholomew Powell my witnesses that this my will be fully performed. In Witness that this is my true last will and testament of the said Margaret Porredge have hereto set my seal. And I give and bequeath the house and garden with the appurtenances called the George in Westgate Street nigh unto the City of Canterbury in the occupation of Thomas Search unto Richard and Arthur my sons late purchased of Richard Purkon? with the garden now in the occupation of Nicholas Montpare?
Probate - 12th June 1583 - Witnesses George Carter and Bartholomew Powell
Cushenett - small cushion or pin cushionStupnett - Stewing potMaccadoe - ?
Transcript received from Mike Cozens.