1572 - 1594 (~ 22 years)
Name |
Christened |
11 Apr 1572 |
St. Mildred, Canterbury, Kent, England |
Gender |
Male |
Buried |
10 Jul 1594 |
St. Mildred, Canterbury, Kent, England |
Person ID |
I8165 |
Young Kent Ancestors |
Last Modified |
18 Mar 2022 |
Father |
John COLLARD, b. Abt 1528, bur. 30 Apr 1585, St. Mildred's, Canterbury, Kent, England (Age ~ 57 years) |
Mother |
Joan SIMPSON, bur. 20 Aug 1580, St. Mildred's, Canterbury, Kent, England |
Married |
17 May 1572 |
Canterbury, St. Mildred, Kent, England |
Family ID |
F3615 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Sources |
- [S78] Will, Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), Registered Wills, vol. 49, folio 53, GSU microfilm #0188947, 29 Jun 1594.
Will of Henry Collard, of St. Mildred, Canterbury, dated 29 June 1594, proved 30 July 1594
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, the nine and twentieth day of June in the year of our Lord God 1594, I, HENRY COLLARD, of the parish of St. Mildred of the City of Canterbury being sick of body and yet of good memory and understanding, I thank God therefore, do make my last Will and Testament in for as followeth:
First and principally, I commend my soul into the merciful hands of Almighty God by the mediation of Jesus Christ my saviour hoping to be saved by the merits of his precious death and glorious resurrection and by no other means and my body I will to be buried in the churchyard of St. Mildred’s aforesaid near my father’s grave there.
And for my lands and goods this first I will and give full power and authority unto GEORGE BACHELLER, my brother, and his Executors and assigns immediately after my decease to take into his or their hands my messuage or tenements and garden with the appurtenances situate in St. Alphage parish in Canterbury and the same to let and hire forth for the best price during the natural life of GREGORY COLLARD, my brother, and the whole rent thereof coming and arising to pay unto or bestow upon the said GREGORY COLLARD, my brother, for his keeping and maintenance during his natural life and after the death of the said GREGORY COLLARD, my brother, my will, intent and meaning is and I give and bequeath my said messuage or tenements and garden, with the appurtenances, situate in St. Alphage parish aforesaid unto CHRISTOPHER COLLARD, the son of CHRISTOPHER COLLARD, my brother and unto the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten. And if the said CHRISTOPHER COLLARD son of CHRISTOPHER COLLARD, my brother, die and depart this life without heirs male of his body lawfully begotten then I will and give my said messuage or tenements and garden and the appurtenances aforesaid unto CHRISTOPHER COLLARD aforesaid, my brother, if he be then living during his natural life, doing neither strip nor waste. And then after the death of the said CHRISTOPHER COLLARD, my brother, I will and give my said house and garden with the appurtenances unto THOMAS COLLARD, son of JOHN COLLARD, my brother, and unto the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten. And if the said THOMAS COLLARD die and depart this life without heirs male of his body lawfully begotten then I will and give my said messuage or tenement and garden with the appurtenances unto the next heir male forever.
And whereas JOHN COLLARD, my father, late deceased, by his last Will and Testament, amongst other things, gave unto me a legacy of one hundred pounds of money I hereby acknowledge myself to have had and received of JOHN COLLARD, my brother, Executor of the said JOHN COLLARD, my father, fifty pounds of the said hundred pounds. And for the other fifty pounds yet remaining in the hands of the said JOHN COLLARD, my brother, I will, give and bequeath the same fifty pounds wholly unto the said JOHN COLLARD, my brother, to be and remain in his hands and custody to his own proper use forever upon this condition following, that is, upon condition that the said JOHN COLLARD, my brother, his Executors or assigns shall within three months next after my death make, seal and deliver unto the aforenamed GEORGE BACHELLER, my brother and his Executors or assigns at the now dwelling house of the said GEORGE BACHELLER in Canterbury or unto some other to the use of the said GEORGE BACHELLER one writing containing in it assurance for the payment of one annuity or yearly rent of five pounds a year unto the said GEORGE BACHELLER, his Executors or assigns, during the natural life of the aforenamed GREGORIE COLLARD, my brother, to the only use and behoof and for the maintenance and keeping of the said GREGORY COLLARD, my brother, during his natural life the said yearly rent to issue and go out of his the said JOHN COLLARD’s lands lying at Waltham in Kent and to be paid quarterly, viz. at the feast days of Saint Michael the Archangel, the day of the birth of our Lord Christ, the Annunciation of our Lady and the Nativity of St. John the Baptist every year by equal portions during the life of the said GREGORIE COLLARD, my brother, with clause of distress to enable the said GEORGE BACHELLER to distrain on the said lands for non-payment of the said annuity accordingly.
Moreover, whereas MRS. JONES and ALICE NORTON, widows, dwelling at the Checkquer in the High Street of this City of Canterbury and others stand bound unto me for the payment of three and thirty pounds at Midsomer next, I will and give unto CHRISTOPHER COLLARD, my brother twenty pounds of the sum to be paid unto him by mine Executor aforesaid when the said sum shall be due upon this condition notwithstanding that the said CHRISTOPHER COLLARD, my brother in the mean time shall quietly carry and behave himself towards JOHN COLLARD, my brother, GREGORY COLLARD, my brother, GEORGE BACHELLER, my brother, and LUCIE, his wife, and shall not be the cause or stirrer up or mover of any unjust quarrels or dissentions against or between them or any of them, but shall lovingly and brotherly deal with them and every of them. And if the said CHRISTOPHER COLLARD, my brother, do not so lovingly and peaceable deal with his said sister and brothers during the said time, then I will the said twenty pounds to be and remain unto GREGORIE COLLARD, my brother and to continue in the hands of GEORGE BACHELLER, my brother, to his use.
Item, I will that the other eighth part of the said sum of thirty-three pounds shall be counted as followeth, that is: I will that therewith my said Executor shall provide to and for himself and JOHN COLLARD, my brother and CHRISTOPHER COLLARD, my brother every of them a seemly cloke-cloth of black colour to wear at my burial: And shall also provide for my sister, LUCIE, and my brother, JOHN COLLARD’s wife, either of them a seemly gown cloth of black colour, likewise to wear at my burial, and shall discharge my debts and funeral charges and all things about the probate of this my Will: and the rest of the said sum if any remains to be and remain unto the said GEORGE BACHELLER himself.
Item, now I will unto SILVESTER TUCKER, my nurse, twenty shillings to be paid her at Michaelmas next following my death.
Item, more I will twenty shillings to be given at my burial unto three score [60] poor aged people of the parish of St. Mildred aforesaid by the discretion of my Executor, that is four pence a piece to every one. Also I will unto the poor people of St. Margaret’s in Canterbury v shillings and to the poor people of Northgate five shillings to be paid by mine Executor unto the churchwardens of either parish within two months after the probate of this my Will.
Item, I will unto THOMAS COLLARD, son of JOHN COLLARD, my brother, my best and fairest silver and gilt tankard to remain in the hands of the said JOHN COLLARD, his father, to his use till he come to lawful age.
Item, I give to CHRISTOPHER COLLARD, son of CHRISTOPHER COLLARD, my brother, my second tankard of silver and gilt, to be and remain in his said father CHRISTOPHER COLLARD’s hands to his use till he come to lawful age.
Item, I will to CHRISTOPHER BACHELLER, my brother GEORGE BACHELLER’s son, my third tankard in goodness of silver and gilt.
Item, I give to my brother JOHN COLLARD his wife, to my brother CHRISTOPHER COLLARD’s wife and to my sister LUCY BACHELLER, to every of them one silver spoon.
Item, I give to CATHERINE BACHELLER, ELIZABETH BACHELLER and MARY BACHELLER, daughters of GEORGE BACHELLER, my brother, to every of them one silver spoon.
And I appoint and ordain GEORGE BACHELLER, my brother, my only Executor of this my last Will and Testament PROVIDED always and my very will, intent and meaning is that the aforenamed GEORGE BACHELLER my Executor shall within two months next after my death enter into bond of two hundreds pounds of lawful English money with one sufficient surety, with him unto JOHN COLLARD, my brother aforesaid with this condition that he the said GEORGE BACHELLER, his Executors or assigns, shall keep, sustain and maintain the aforenamed GREGORIE COLLARD, my brother, with all manner of necessary and convenient charges of meat, drink and apparel and otherwise sufficiently provide for his good and convenient education and keeping during the life natural of the said GREGORIE COLLARD: And that he the said GEORGE BACHELLER and his assigns shall pay and deliver to the said GREGORIE COLLARD his own hands if at any time hereafter it please God to restore him the said GREGORIE to his good and perfect wit and understanding and that he be of reasonable government all and singular such legacies and gifts as before are given unto the said GREGORIE in this my Will: which bond if the said GEORGE BACHELLER shall refuse to enter into being first required by the said JOHN COLLARD, my brother, or if the said GEORGE BACHELLER shall refuse to be mine Executor then and from thenceforth I will that the said GEORGE BACHELLER shall not at all have anything to do with this my Will nor shall have any authority or power to receive or meddle with any of my goods or profits of house and garden or any thing given to GREGORY COLLARD, my brother, nor shall have any power or authority from this my Will to do or meddle with anything therein mentioned, but shall be utterly void and incapable thereof and of every part thereof: And then and from thenceforth I will that JOHN COLLARD, my brother shall be mine Executor and shall have the custody of GREGORIE COLLARD, my brother and the receiving of every legacy before given to him in as full and ample manner as before is willed that the said GEORGE BACHELLER should have in all respects, he the said JOHN COLLARD entering into sufficient bond of two hundred pounds unto the Mayor of Canterbury for the time being, with such condition for the keeping of the forenamed GREGORIE COLLARD, my brother, as is before set down, any thing before mentioned to the contrary notwithstanding.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I, the said HENRY COLLARD, have hereto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.
Witnesses Alexander Norwood, the mark of Ralph Alder, George Crowder, Silvester Tucker’s mark.
PROBATE granted by Stephen Laker, doctor of laws and Surrogate on the 30th day of July 1594, upon the affidavits of Alexander Norwood, notary public and George Crowder, witnesses to the within Will, to JOHN COLLARD, Executor, GEORGE BACHELLER, the first named Executor and CHRISTOPHER COLLARD both deceased.
AD 17 Registered Wills, vol. 49, folio 53, GSU microfilm #0188947