- 1591
Name |
Elizabeth COORT |
Gender |
Female |
Died |
1591 |
Crundale, Kent, England |
Person ID |
I9506 |
Young Kent Ancestors |
Last Modified |
18 Mar 2022 |
Family 1 |
George CARTER, b. post-1486, Winchcombe, Crundale, Kent, England , d. 1559, Winchcombe, Crundale, Kent, England (Age ~ 73 years) |
Married |
22 Oct 1541 |
Waltham, Kent, England |
Children |
Last Modified |
20 Mar 2022 |
Family ID |
F1369 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Sources |
- [S78] Will, Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), folio 269-270, 24 Jul 1591.
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the 19th day of June in the three and thirtieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England, France and Ireland, Queen, defender of the faith, etc. that I, ISABELL CARTER, of the parish of Crundale within the County of Kent, widow, being sick in body but of perfect remembrance do declare and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following,
First, I bequeath my soul to Almighty God my only Saviour and redeemer Jesus Christ, by whose death and passion I only hope to have everlasting life, and my body to be buried within the parish church yard of Crundale.
Item, I will and bequeath unto the poor people of the parish of Crundale the sum of twenty shillings to be distributed to them on the day of my burial.
Item, I will and give to my daughter-in-law, viz, Thomas A’Court’s widow, six shillings eight pence.
Item, I will and give to ALICE CHERICKE and SUSAN COURT, her two daughters, to either of them three pounds six shillings, eight pence, to be paid to them or their assigns within one quarter of a year next after my decease.
Item, I will and bequeath to my daughter, JONE HASTEN, twenty pounds to be paid to her or her assigns within one year next after my decease.
Item, I will and give to every of her five children now living forty shillings to be paid to every of them within one year next after my decease.
Item, I will and give to every of the five children of my son, MATTHEW COURT, forty shillings to e paid to them within one year next after my decease.
Item, I will and give to GEORGE CARTER of Crundale, my son-in-law, the sum of twelve pounds to be paid to him or his assigns within one month next after my decease.
Item, I will and give to JOHN CARTER of Elmsted, my son-in-law, the sum of five pounds.
Item, I will and give to JOHN CARTER of Crundale, my son, one great chest standing in the parlour next the chimney corner, with all the linen or else whatsoever shall be found therein at the time of my death, one feather bed, one flocke bed, my best coverlet, two of my best blankets, two of my best pillows with all other necessaries belonging to a bed, six cushions, all my sheep and lambs.
Item, I give unto THOMAS CARTER of Crundale, the elder, forty shillings.
Item, I give to THOMASIN CARTER my goddaughter, forty shillings, two cushions.
Item, I give to ISABELL RUCKE of Boughton forty shillings.
Item, I give to JONE COVENEY, the elder, of Crundall, forty shillings.
Item, I give to THOMAS CARTER of Crundale, the younger, twenty shillings.
Item, I give to GEORGE PHILPOTT, one paid of good sheets.
Item, I will and give to SYLVESTER WILLIAMSON one pair of my best sheets.
Excepting the chest already bequeathed, I give to my son GEORGE CARTER all the rest of my cushions in the house except before bequeathed.
Item, I give to LAWRENCE SMITH twenty shillings the which sum of twenty shillings I will my son-in-law GEORGE CARTER to bestow towards a house for him.
Item, I give unto my son JOHN CARTER of Crundale the little chest that harding made last for me to put and lay his linen in, etc.
THIS IS ALSO THE WILL AND TESTAMENT of me the said ISABELL CARTER as concerning my lands.
I will and give them unto JOHN CARTER of Crundale my said son and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever. And for lack of heirs of his body lawfully begotten then I will and give all my lands to CLEMENT COURT my godson and to his heirs forever, and for a lack of heirs lawfully begotten of CLEMENT COURT, then I will and bequeath all my lands in Crundale or else where in the County of Kent to the heirs of my son, MATTHEW COURT, forever, which MATTHEW COURT, I ordain and make my Executor and do bequeath and give unto him all the residue of my goods and unbequeathed in consideration that he shall pay and sicharge all the legacies before bequeathed and given these being witnesses: Reynolds Scrimsbie, Daniel Peirson, Ralph Johnson, parson of Crundale.
PROBATUM fuit predictor suprascriptum testamentum ISABELLE CARTER, defuncte coram veneralis viro magistro Stephano Zakes legume doctore officiali etc. vicesimo quarto die mensis Julii anno domini 1591 inrametis RADULPHI JOHNSON clerico and REGINALDI SCRIMSBIE testam pr. Ac approbatum pro onus Executo[r[i[bu]s euisdem comissa est executor[ibu]s miratum pro datum etc.
PROVED the said above-written Will of ISABELLE CARTER, deceased, before the Worshipful Master Stephen Zakes, Doctor of Laws, Official etc. the twenty-furth day of the month July in the year of our Lord 1591, by the oaths of RANDOLPH JOHNSON, Clerk, and REGINALD SCRIMSBIE, And approved for the responsibility of the executor entrusted to the same executors. etc.