ChristenedMatches 1 to 50 of 100 1 2 Next»
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Christened |
Person ID |
Tree |
1 |
AMIS, Adam | 8 Dec 1715 | Molash, Kent, England | I19865 | Young Kent Ancestors |
2 |
AMIS, Anne | 8 Apr 1722 | Molash, Kent, England | I19867 | Young Kent Ancestors |
3 |
AMIS, Elizabeth | 7 Mar 1709/1710 | Molash, Kent, England | I18854 | Young Kent Ancestors |
4 |
AMIS, John | 2 Nov 1665 | Molash, Kent, England | I20172 | Young Kent Ancestors |
5 |
AMIS, John | 31 Jan 1719/1720 | Molash, Kent, England | I19866 | Young Kent Ancestors |
6 |
AMIS, Mary | 13 Dec 1707 | Molash, Kent, England | I19862 | Young Kent Ancestors |
7 |
AMIS, Richard | 3 Dec 1658 | Molash, Kent, England | I19853 | Young Kent Ancestors |
8 |
AMIS, Richard | 10 Jan 1686/1687 | Molash, Kent, England | I18866 | Young Kent Ancestors |
9 |
AMIS, Richard | 15 Oct 1711 | Molash, Kent, England | I19863 | Young Kent Ancestors |
10 |
AMIS, Thomas | 7 Dec 1701 | Molash, Kent, England | I19855 | Young Kent Ancestors |
11 |
AMIS, Thomas | 30 Aug 1713 | Molash, Kent, England | I19864 | Young Kent Ancestors |
12 |
BROADBRIDGE, Andrew | 23 Oct 1636 | Molash, Kent, England | I14668 | Young Kent Ancestors |
13 |
BROADBRIDGE, Ann | 21 Mar 1647 | Molash, Kent, England | I14673 | Young Kent Ancestors |
14 |
BROADBRIDGE, Christopher | 3 Mar 1633 | Molash, Kent, England | I14666 | Young Kent Ancestors |
15 |
BROADBRIDGE, George ✝ | 3 Jul 1631 | Molash, Kent, England | I14665 | Young Kent Ancestors |
16 |
BROADBRIDGE, Gregory | 1 Feb 1635 | Molash, Kent, England | I14667 | Young Kent Ancestors |
17 |
BROADBRIDGE, James | 22 Oct 1626 | Molash, Kent, England | I14663 | Young Kent Ancestors |
18 |
BROADBRIDGE, John | 25 Oct 1629 | Molash, Kent, England | I5219 | Young Kent Ancestors |
19 |
BROADBRIDGE, Mary | 18 Nov 1638 | Molash, Kent, England | I14669 | Young Kent Ancestors |
20 |
BROADBRIDGE, Richard | 6 Jan 1628 | Molash, Kent, England | I14664 | Young Kent Ancestors |
21 |
BROADBRIDGE, Thomasen | 4 Feb 1644 | Molash, Kent, England | I14672 | Young Kent Ancestors |
22 |
BROADBRIDGE, Valentine | 1 Nov 1640 | Molash, Kent, England | I14670 | Young Kent Ancestors |
23 |
GOATELY, Alice | 29 Nov 1609 | Molash, Kent, England | I19 | Young Kent Ancestors |
24 |
GOATELY, Ann | 25 Oct 1710 | Molash, Kent, England | I19210 | Young Kent Ancestors |
25 |
GOATELY, Christopher | 28 May 1598 | Molash, Kent, England | I20170 | Young Kent Ancestors |
26 |
GOATELY, Christopher | 22 Apr 1631 | Molash, Kent, England | I20173 | Young Kent Ancestors |
27 |
GOATELY, Elizabeth | 3 Aug 1627 | Molash, Kent, England | I20169 | Young Kent Ancestors |
28 |
GOATELY, Joane | 3 Jan 1612/13 | Molash, Kent, England | I21 | Young Kent Ancestors |
29 |
GOATELY, John | | Molash, Kent, England | I20174 | Young Kent Ancestors |
30 |
GOATELY, Thomas | 19 Apr 1601 | Molash, Kent, England | I16 | Young Kent Ancestors |
31 |
GOATELY, Thomas | 13 Jan 1610/11 | Molash, Kent, England | I20 | Young Kent Ancestors |
32 |
GOATLY, Elizabeth | 16 Dec 1711 | Molash, Kent, England | I19211 | Young Kent Ancestors |
33 |
GOTELY, Ann ^ | 13 Feb 1703/1704 | Molash, Kent, England | I19206 | Young Kent Ancestors |
34 |
GOTELY, Jane | 4 May 1707 | Molash, Kent, England | I19208 | Young Kent Ancestors |
35 |
GOTELY, Mary | 7 Dec 1708 | Molash, Kent, England | I19209 | Young Kent Ancestors |
36 |
GOTELY, Searls ^ | 30 Oct 1705 | Molash, Kent, England | I19207 | Young Kent Ancestors |
37 |
GOTELY ALS JOHNSON, Hammon ^ | 17 Aug 1702 | Molash, Kent, England | I19205 | Young Kent Ancestors |
38 |
HARRIS, Amy | 22 Jan 1736/1737 | Molash, Kent, England | I18856 | Young Kent Ancestors |
39 |
HARRIS, Ann | 16 Feb 1734/1735 | Molash, Kent, England | I18855 | Young Kent Ancestors |
40 |
HARRIS, Elizabeth | 20 Dec 1668 | Molash, Kent, England | I18864 | Young Kent Ancestors |
41 |
HARRIS, Elizabeth | 7 May 1732 | Molash, Kent, England | I17932 | Young Kent Ancestors |
42 |
HARRIS, George | 2 May 1708 | Molash, Kent, England | I18853 | Young Kent Ancestors |
43 |
HARRIS, Mary | 4 Feb 1665/1666 | Molash, Kent, England | I19925 | Young Kent Ancestors |
44 |
HARRIS, Mary | 17 Aug 1740 | Molash, Kent, England | I18857 | Young Kent Ancestors |
45 |
HARRIS, Thamazine | 28 Jun 1674 | Molash, Kent, England | I19927 | Young Kent Ancestors |
46 |
HARRIS, William | 17 Jun 1671 | Molash, Kent, England | I19926 | Young Kent Ancestors |
47 |
LONGLEY, Anne | 25 Nov 1781 | Molash, Kent, England | I5817 | Young Kent Ancestors |
48 |
LONGLEY, Lydia | 14 Dec 1783 | Molash, Kent, England | I5818 | Young Kent Ancestors |
49 |
LONGLEY, Sarah | 27 Mar 1785 | Molash, Kent, England | I5819 | Young Kent Ancestors |
50 |
RUCK, Ann ^ | 8 Apr 1677 | Molash, Kent, England | I5763 | Young Kent Ancestors |
1 2 Next»
BuriedMatches 1 to 36 of 36
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Buried |
Person ID |
Tree |
1 |
Mary | 6 Nov 1640 | Molash, Kent, England | I14660 | Young Kent Ancestors |
2 |
AMIS, Richard | 30 Dec 1665 | Molash, Kent, England | I19857 | Young Kent Ancestors |
3 |
AMIS, Richard | 1707 | Molash, Kent, England | I19853 | Young Kent Ancestors |
4 |
BROADBRIDGE, George ✝ | 17 Sep 1633 | Molash, Kent, England | I14665 | Young Kent Ancestors |
5 |
BROADBRIDGE, Richard | 17 Mar 1659 | Molash, Kent, England | I14659 | Young Kent Ancestors |
6 |
COVENEY, Jane | 22 Oct 1702 | Molash, Kent, England | I5760 | Young Kent Ancestors |
7 |
GOATELY, Christopher | 17 Jul 1674 | Molash, Kent, England | I20170 | Young Kent Ancestors |
8 |
GOATELY, Thomas | 1601/10 | Molash, Kent, England | I16 | Young Kent Ancestors |
9 |
GOTELY, Ann ^ | 28 May 1710 | Molash, Kent, England | I19206 | Young Kent Ancestors |
10 |
GOTELY, Searls ^ | 4 May 1707 | Molash, Kent, England | I19207 | Young Kent Ancestors |
11 |
GOTELY ALS JOHNSON, Hammon ^ | 3 Nov 1710 | Molash, Kent, England | I19205 | Young Kent Ancestors |
12 |
GOTELY ALS JOHNSON, Hammond | 22 May 1711 | Molash, Kent, England | I5770 | Young Kent Ancestors |
13 |
HILL, Mavell | 4 Dec 1729 | Molash, Kent, England | I5772 | Young Kent Ancestors |
14 |
JOHNSON?, Ann | 18 Dec 1666 | Molash, Kent, England | I6879 | Young Kent Ancestors |
15 |
RUCK, Ann ^ | 6 Dec 1697 | Molash, Kent, England | I5763 | Young Kent Ancestors |
16 |
RUCK, Edmund | 29 Oct 1783 | Molash, Kent, England | I5804 | Young Kent Ancestors |
17 |
RUCK, Elizabeth | 27 May 1737 | Molash, Kent, England | I5762 | Young Kent Ancestors |
18 |
RUCK, Elizabeth ^ | 16 Oct 1742 | Molash, Kent, England | I5782 | Young Kent Ancestors |
19 |
RUCK, Gabriel | 20 Jan 1724 | Molash, Kent, England | I5753 | Young Kent Ancestors |
20 |
RUCK, Gabriel ^ | 11 Nov 1703 | Molash, Kent, England | I5764 | Young Kent Ancestors |
21 |
RUCK, Gabriel ^ | 15 Apr 1731 | Molash, Kent, England | I5774 | Young Kent Ancestors |
22 |
RUCK, George | 28 Oct 1768 | Molash, Kent, England | I5765 | Young Kent Ancestors |
23 |
RUCK, John | 19 Nov 1747 | Molash, Kent, England | I5769 | Young Kent Ancestors |
24 |
RUCK, John | 21 Nov 1790 | Molash, Kent, England | I5779 | Young Kent Ancestors |
25 |
RUCK, John ^ | 19 Nov 1747 | Molash, Kent, England | I5797 | Young Kent Ancestors |
26 |
RUCK, Margaret ^ | 26 Feb 1712 | Molash, Kent, England | I5776 | Young Kent Ancestors |
27 |
RUCK, Susannah | 12 May 1791 | Molash, Kent, England | I5803 | Young Kent Ancestors |
28 |
RUCK, Thomas | 3 Jul 1764 | Molash, Kent, England | I5784 | Young Kent Ancestors |
29 |
RUCK, Thomas ^ | 21 Jul 1719 | Molash, Kent, England | I5780 | Young Kent Ancestors |
30 |
RUCK, William ^ | 29 Dec 1710 | Molash, Kent, England | I5775 | Young Kent Ancestors |
31 |
RUCK, William ^ | 28 Apr 1713 | Molash, Kent, England | I5777 | Young Kent Ancestors |
32 |
RUCK, William ^ | 5 May 1728 | Molash, Kent, England | I5875 | Young Kent Ancestors |
33 |
WATTS, Mary | 25 Sep 1656 | Molash, Kent, England | I14671 | Young Kent Ancestors |
34 |
WILDISH, John ^ | 15 Nov 1644 | Molash, Kent, England | I14678 | Young Kent Ancestors |
35 |
WILDISH, Thomas ^ | 25 Dec 1636 | Molash, Kent, England | I14677 | Young Kent Ancestors |
36 |
WILDISH, William ^ | 20 Nov 1644 | Molash, Kent, England | I14679 | Young Kent Ancestors |
MarriedMatches 1 to 9 of 9
Family |
Married |
Family ID |
Tree |
1 |
AMIS / NORHAM | 13 Jun 1709 | Molash, Kent, England | F5838 | Young Kent Ancestors |
2 |
EPPS / HARRIS | 1763 | Molash, Kent, England | F5837 | Young Kent Ancestors |
3 |
LONGLEY / MILLIMES | 10 Apr 1792 | Molash, Kent, England | F3872 | Young Kent Ancestors |
4 |
LONGLEY / RUCK | 24 May 1781 | Molash, Kent, England | F2071 | Young Kent Ancestors |
5 |
LYON / RUCK | 17 Jul 1775 | Molash, Kent, England | F2068 | Young Kent Ancestors |
6 |
PACK / RUCK | 2 Dec 1786 | Molash, Kent, England | F2069 | Young Kent Ancestors |
7 |
RUCK / COVENEY | 17 Jul 1674 | Molash, Kent, England | F2053 | Young Kent Ancestors |
8 |
RUCK / HILL | 24 Oct 1707 | Molash, Kent, England | F2058 | Young Kent Ancestors |
9 |
THOMSON / BALDOCK | 16 Dec 1690 | Molash, Kent, England | F512 | Young Kent Ancestors |