1659 - 1719 (~ 60 years)
Name |
Christened |
2 Feb 1659 |
Sheldwich, Kent, England [2] |
Gender |
Male |
Buried |
12 Oct 1719 |
Boughton-under-Blean, Kent, England [3] |
Person ID |
I4727 |
Young Kent Ancestors |
Last Modified |
7 Jan 2020 |
Father |
John BROADBRIDGE, c. 25 Oct 1629, Molash, Kent, England , bur. 13 Jun 1699, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England (Age ~ 69 years) |
Mother |
Ann JOHNSON?, bur. 18 Dec 1666, Molash, Kent, England |
Married |
10 Jul 1653 |
St Mary Bredin, Canterbury, Kent, England |
Family ID |
F1764 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family 1 |
Margaret LENT, c. 20 Mar 1669, Eastling, Kent, England , bur. 13 Jan 1744, Faversham, Kent, England (Age ~ 74 years) |
Married |
1 Oct 1692 |
Hackington, Kent, England [4] |
Children |
| 1. George BROADE AKA BROADBRIDGE, c. 28 Apr 1693, Sheldwich, Kent, England  |
| 2. Edward BROADE AKA BROADBRIDGE, c. 5 Apr 1696, Sheldwich, Kent, England  |
| 3. Elizabeth BROADE AKA BROADBRIDGE, c. 21 Apr 1700, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England  |
| 4. Anthony BROADE AKA BROADBRIDGE, c. 17 Apr 1704, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England , bur. 30 Jan 1767, Selling, Kent, England (Age ~ 62 years) |
| 5. Mary ^ BROADBRIDGE, c. 27 Jul 1712, Sheldwich, Kent, England , d. Bef 1718 (Age ~ 5 years) |
Last Modified |
20 Mar 2022 |
Family ID |
F1759 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family 2 |
Elizabeth KNOWLDEN, c. 7 Aug 1665, Sheldwich, Kent, England , bur. 11 May 1691, Sheldwich, Kent, England (Age ~ 25 years) |
Married |
Abt 1683 |
Children |
| 1. Frances ✝ BROADBRIDGE, c. 15 Aug 1684, Sheldwich, Kent, England , bur. 3 Feb 1686, Sheldwich, Kent, England (Age ~ 1 years) |
| 2. John BROADE AKA BROADBRIDGE, c. 6 Feb 1686, Sheldwich, Kent, England , d. Bef 1718 (Age ~ 31 years) |
Last Modified |
20 Mar 2022 |
Family ID |
F1763 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Notes |
- On marriage he was described as a widower and Yeoman of Sheldwich of Dane's Court and Margaret was a spinster. John purchased two-thirds of Goldfield Bottom in Sheldwich from his first wife's sisters: Anne, wife of John Laurance, and Susanna who had first married Andrew [surname unknown] and second married James Finch. By Will John devised it to his four sons.
Will probated in Consistory Court as follows:
BROADBRIDGE John of Boughton-Blean 1713-1722 vol. 59 folio 412 LDS Film #0188876-77
Sources |
- [S81] Will, Consistory Court of Canterbury, Consistory Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), 21 May 1720.
IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN, the 25th day of May in the third year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the faith, etc., annoquam Domini 1717, I, JOHN BROADBRIDGE, of the parish of Boughton under the Blean in the County of Kent, husbandman, being sick in body but sound in mind and memory thanks be therefore given to Almighty God, do make and declare this my present last Will and Testament in manner following and first I commit my soul into the hand and mercy of Almighty God and my body to the earth from whence it came to be decently interred at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named and as for that part or portion of worldly goods which God in his bounty hath been pleased to bestow upon me I give and dispose of as followeth
And first I will and desire that all my goods and chattels whatsoever be rightly and truly valued by a fair and honest appraisement and the whole being taken or considered in three parts (after my debts, legacies, and funeral charges are paid) I freely given unto my loving wife one part of the said three, that is to say, one third part of the whole and the other two remaining parts that is to say all the rest after as I said before my debts, legacies and funeral expenses are paid, I give equally to my three sons and my daughter (namely) GEORGE, EDWARD, ANTHONY, and ELIZABETH BROADBRIDGE to be divided amongst them in four just or equal parts or portions.
Item, I give to my granddaughter MARY daughter of my late son JOHN BROADBRIDGE, deceased, the sum of twenty shillings.
item, I give to my grandson JOHN, son of my son-in-law WILLIAM BOUGHTON, the like sum of twenty shillings.
item, I give to my granddaughter ELIZABETH daughter of my said son-in-law, WILLIAM BOUGHTON the like sum of twenty shillings and I will that these three legacies of twenty shillings a piece be paid to each of them by my said Executor in one year's time next after my decease and I do nominate and appoint my said son, GEORGE BROADBRIDGE to be full and sole Executor to this my last Will and I will and desire that my said Executor shall be allowed all reasonable charges which he on his discretion shall think convenient to be at about my funeral and whereas I now stand indebted to my said son EDWARD BROADBRIDGE in the sum of five pounds for wages due to him as my servant at Michaelmas last past notwithstanding the five pounds which he hath received of me to buy himself clothes and which was due also for wages at the said Michaelmas last my will and meaning is that he shall pay the said five pounds together with what other wages shall be due to him from the said Michaelmas last for this present year at the rate of eight pounds for the year according to our Bargain or agreement over and above his part or share of the dividend to be equally made as before mentioned, but if he shall require or demand any further sum for wages or upon any other account whatsoever my will and meaning is that the said further sum shall be withdrawn from his part of the dividend to be equally made as before.
So revoking all other Wills whatsoever I do declare this present writing contained in one sheet of paper to be my last Will and Testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal to each side of this sheet the day and yeat at first abovewritten.
to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have
subscribed our names in his presence as witnesses hereunto
Henry Shrubsole
John Allen
Anthony Spillet by his mark
Exer. M. Upton, N.P.
PROBATUM fuit huiusmodi antescriptum Testamentum JOHANNIS BROADBRIDGE nuper defuncti vicesimo primo die Maii Anno Domini 1720 coram magistro Thoma Johnson, Clico, Surro letimo venerlis viri Georgii Paul legum Doctoris Vicarii in Spialibus generalis ac offinialis principalis Reverendissimi in Christo Patris ac Dmi Dmi Gulielmi Providen dia Cant Archiepi totuis Angliae primatis et metroponi visitacon suam ordinar infra citem et disec Cant exercen letime constitutum et commissa fuit ad omniem et singulroum bonorum etc, dictum defunctum et euis testamentum qualrcunquam conternersd GEORGIO BROADBRIDGE filio etc dictum dfunctum et Executori in dicto Testament nominatum pruis ad scr etc. juratum
- [S34] Parish Register, England, Kent: Church of England, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), Sheldwich, Kent, England, LDS Film #2354740, 2 Feb 1659.
- [S34] Parish Register, England, Kent: Church of England, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), Boughton-under-Blean, 12 Oct 1719.
John Broadbridge from Dane Court.
- [S34] Parish Register, England, Kent: Church of England, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah).
widower, yeoman & she spinster, 24 years, whose father consents, both of Sheldwich, at Hackington. John Tassell of St. Dunstan Canterbury, blacksmith, bondsman,