Gabriel RUCK

Gabriel RUCK[1, 2]

Male 1574 - 1624  (~ 49 years)

Personal Information    |    Notes    |    Sources    |    All

  • Name Gabriel RUCK 
    Christened 6 Jun 1574  Sheldwich, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    Gender Male 
    Buried 8 Feb 1624  Boughton-Blean, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I5279  Young Kent Ancestors
    Last Modified 29 Mar 2021 

    Father John RUCK,   b. 1513,   bur. 15 Jul 1600, Sheldwich, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 87 years) 
    Mother Thomasine FORWARD,   bur. 1 Nov 1610, Preston-next-Faversham, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Married 12 Jan 1561/1562  Selling, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Family ID F1438  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Elizabeth PYMM 
    Married 4 May 1601  Chilham, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
     1. John RUCK,   b. Abt 1603,   bur. 10 Jan 1661, Boughton-under-Blean, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 58 years)
     2. George ^ RUCK,   c. 25 Aug 1605, Chilham, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location,   bur. 9 Jul 1608, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 2 years)
     3. Margaret RUCK,   c. 30 Jan 1608, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location
     4. George RUCK,   c. 18 Mar 1610, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location,   bur. 20 Jan 1670, Boughton-Blean, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 59 years)
    Last Modified 20 Mar 2022 
    Family ID F1907  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Notes 
    • Inv Ruck Gabriel Boughton under Blean 1623 1623 PRC/28/10/288 Yeoman, Will 1623

  • Sources 
    1. [S99] Miscellaneous, Seventeenth-Century Kent, pg 233.
      A striking example of the effect of the custom of inheritance among the farming class may be seen in the history of the Rucke family, who had lived or owned property in Boughton under Blean since at least 1545. Gabriel Rucke, a yeoman who died in 1624, had only three children, yet part of his small landed property was bequeathed to his two sons in joint ownership. GB40 was left to his daughter if she married with her mother's and her uncle's consent, GB20 only if without it. John was to receive the dwelling house and five acres adjoining, with half the barn and the field called Bulls. George was to have the other tenement and six acres, with the other part of the barn and of Bulls. By 1670 there was further division of the barn and Bulls among the sons of John and George.

      When George died in that year his son, John, inherited a house and land at Scots hill, Gabriel the house and six acres, and a part of his share of the barn 'which is between my brother John Ruck's children and I', and George the other part of his share of the barn, and the whole of his share of Bulls.

      A similar division had already taken place in the property of John, brother of George, senior. The effect of these distributions or of the common inheritance of these small freeholds was that while all the males of the family owned some land, none owned enough to provide his sole means of subsistence.

      John Rucke (buried 10 Jan 1661) the elder was a maltster in Boughton, while his nephew Gabriel moved five miles to Molash as a cordwainer. Probably both of John's sons, Gabriel and John, felt that their commonly owned house and thirteen acres in Boughton was not a large enough holding for either to farm, and they leased it to a local tailor. Gabriel rented Sewers Farm in Linsted, probably at least 100 acres, six miles to the west, and left at his death in 1680 corn on the ground and in the barn worth GB121.10s and livestock valued at GB62.19s2d: then his brother John, died 1684, took over the lease.

      [Ultimate source cited by the author was K.A.O. [Kent Archives Office] U791 T110.]
      Publication details not available

    2. [S81] Will, Consistory Court of Canterbury, Consistory Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), PRC/32/46/93 PRC/31/83 R/1 1623, 20 Mar 1623.

      IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN, the fourteenth day of February in the year of our Lord Christ 1623, I, GABRIEL RUCKE, of the parish of Boughton-under-the-Blean in the County of Kent, yeoman, sick in body but whole in mind and of good and perfect remembrance God to be therefore thanked, I do make and ordain my last Will and Testament in manner and form following.

      First, I commit my Soul into the hands of God my Creator and Redeemer and my body to be buried in the churchyard of the parish of Boughton aforesaid.

      Item, I give to my daughter MARGARET £40 of current money of England to be paid her by my Executrix at her day of marriage if she marry with the consent and liking of ELIZABETH, my wife, and SIMON RUCKE, my brother. If she marry without their consent and liking then my will and meaning is that she shall have but £20 paid to her by my Executrix at her day of marriage and if my said daughter marry not until she come to the age of one and twenty years then I give unto her £20 of current money of England to be paid her by my Executrix at her said age of one and twenty years and afterwards £20 more at her day of marriage, if she marry with the consent and liking of ELIZABETH my wife and SIMON RUCKE my brother.

      All my goods, chattels and household stuff I give to ELIZABETH my wife she paying my debts and legacies and seeing my funeral discharged and I make the said ELIZABETH my wife sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament.

      ALSO, this is the last Will and Testament of me the above-named GABRIEL RUCKE touching the disposition of all my tenements and lands situate lying and being in the parish of Boughton aforenamed or wheresoever else.

      First, I give to ELIZABETH my wife the whole profits of all my tenements and lands for and during the whole term of six years next after my decease and after the said term of six years I give to ELIZABETH my said wife, three parts of the profits of my said tenements and lands during the whole term of her natural life. AND the fourth part of the profits of the said tenements and lands I give to my son JOHN RUCKE and after the decease of ELIZABETH my wife, I give my tenement or house wherein I now live and one-half of my Barn and all the edifices and buildings thereunto belonging with the gardens and orchards and five acres of land more or less lying behind and on the north part of my said house to my said son JOHN RUCKE to him and to his heirs forever.

      Item, I give to my said son JOHN RUCKE after the decease of my said wife one-half of my piece or parcel of land called Bulls with free ingress, egress and regress to and from the said piece or parcel of land to him my said son JOHN RUCKE and his heirs forever.

      Item, I give to my son GEORGE RUCKE my other tenement or house with the orchards and lands thereto adjoining containing by estimation six acres more or less after the decease of ELIZABETH my wife to him and his heirs forever.

      Item, I give to my said son GEORGE RUCKE one-half of my Barn belonging to the tenement where I now dwell and one-half of my piece or parcel of land called Bulls with free ingress, egress and regress to and from the said Barn and parcel of land after the decease of ELIZABETH my wife to him the said GEORGE RUCKE and his heirs forever.

      SIGNED, SEALED AND DECLARED by the Testator
      to be his last Will and Testament in the presence
      of William __________________, and Simon Rucke,
      his mark.

      PROBATE granted 20th March 1623 unto ELIZABETH RUCKE widow.

    3. [S34] Parish Register, England, Kent: Church of England, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), Sheldwich, Kent, England, LDS Film #2354740, 6 Jun 1574.

    4. [S34] Parish Register, England, Kent: Church of England, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), Selling, Kent, England, LDS Film #2354740, 12 Jan 1562 NS.